2423 results

Groups Urge FCC to Force Disclosure of Political Ad Donors

With the presidential election just a year away and critical primaries and caucuses beginning in a few weeks, a coalition of legal and civic advocacy groups called on the Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday to require broadcasters to disclose the “true sponsors” of political advertising.

Independent-Minded Lawmakers Headline Nov.10 Forum on Gerrymandering

Common Cause hosting forum on gerrymandering in Annapolis

Diễn đàn công dân về cải cách tài chính chính trị và chiến dịch của tiểu bang tại UW Eau Claire vào tối thứ Hai này

ALEC Caves to Pressure, Shuts Key Task Force

Eleven National Groups Call on the Supreme Court to Reform its Ethics Rules and Formally Adopt the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges

Khoản tài trợ của Quỹ Ford rất quan trọng đối với việc thực hiện chiến dịch cải cách bối cảnh truyền thông Hoa Kỳ

House takes big step forward for lobby and ethics reform

Lending Industry Still Fighting Mortgage Modification as Foreclosure Crisis Continues

Overhaul of campaign fundraising takes step forward

President’s Naming of Election Task Force Members Is Encouraging



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