2424 results

After 15 Years, New Voting System Guidelines Bolster Election Security, But Challenges Remain

Today the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) unanimously adopted the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) 2.0. Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) are a set of specifications and requirements against which voting systems can be tested to determine if the systems meet required standards. The standards govern security of the voting systems, functionality and accessibility. The Help America Vote Act mandates that the EAC develop and maintain these requirements. While many states require voting systems to conform to these standards,...

Reports Indicate New Biden Executive Order Will Prioritize & Strengthen White House Ethics

The American people expect and deserve the restoration of strong ethical standards at the White House in the wake of the abuses of the Trump presidency. President-elect Biden promised reform on the campaign trail, and Common Cause, along with our allies, urged the incoming administration to take make a strong commitment to ethics and democracy reforms.

House to Pass New COVID Relief Package, Senate Must Follow Suit

The House is poised to pass a modified COVID-19 relief package to provide assistance to Americans whose lives have been upended by the pandemic, and to bolster pillars of our democracy strained under the national health crisis. The Senate must act after refusing to move on a more robust relief package passed by the House in May. It is past time for Senate Republicans to move to help the American people instead of focusing on trying to ram through the confirmation of another Supreme Court Justice while ignoring the plight of their constituents.

Báo cáo mới: Thượng viện do Đảng Cộng hòa kiểm soát khiến Quốc hội khóa 116 trở nên kém hiệu quả nhất trong lịch sử

Bảng điểm Dân chủ năm 2020 đánh giá vị trí của mọi Thành viên Quốc hội về các vấn đề quan trọng đối với sức khỏe nền dân chủ của chúng ta và cho thấy Thượng viện là "nghĩa địa lập pháp" cho cải cách dân chủ

New Report: Amplifying Small-Dollar Donors in the Citizens United Era

Analysis shows how Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program shifted the balance of power to the people, diversified the legislature and led to better policies for everyday Americans in its first decade

New Report Focuses on Trump Administration’s “Intentional Disregard”  Throughout Its Failed COVID-19 Response 

The first duty of government is to protect its people and it is up to the people to hold that government accountable when it fails. A new report from Common Cause chronicles the Trump administration’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of government accountability and the abuse of power.

Groups Urge Senate to Include Election Funding in New COVID-19 Relief Package

Last night, 30+ organizations from the Declaration for American Democracy (DFAD) coalition urged the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules & Administration to include vital funding to bolster state and local elections officials facing unprecedented burdens in holding elections amidst the COVID-19 pandemic amidst massive budget shortfalls. In a letter organized by Common Cause to every member of the Committee yesterday, more than 30 groups emphasized the importance supporting the $3.6 billion in election funding that was included in the...

Vụ kiện thách thức luật mới của Indiana ngăn cản cử tri yêu cầu tòa án gia hạn giờ bỏ phiếu

Hôm nay, Common Cause Indiana đã đệ đơn kiện liên bang thách thức tính hợp hiến của luật tiểu bang tước quyền của cử tri trong việc yêu cầu tòa án tiểu bang gia hạn giờ mở cửa của địa điểm bỏ phiếu. Common Cause Indiana kiện Lawson đã được đệ trình lên Tòa án Quận Hoa Kỳ cho Quận phía Nam của Indiana. Common Cause Indiana đang được đại diện trong vụ kiện này bởi Ủy ban Luật sư Chicago vì Quyền Dân sự, công ty luật Eimer Stahl LLP và Ủy ban Luật sư quốc gia vì Quyền Dân sự theo Luật.

Congress Must Include Local News Funding in Next COVID-19 Stimulus 

(Washington, DC) –Today, a coalition of nearly 50 organizations and media scholars joined Common Cause, PEN America, and Free Press in a letter calling on Congress to include vital funding for local news in the next stimulus package proposed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter explains that House and Senate leadership should consider local press an industry vital to the nation’s health, prosperity, and recovery.

New Report Exposes ALEC’s Influence in Texas

Just days before the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) annual meeting in Austin, Common Cause and the Center for Media and Democracy released a new report uncovering the recent influence of the secretive special interest lobbying group in the Texas legislature.



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