2423 results

Colorado’s New Vote Audit Sets Example for the Nation

Colorado is taking an important step this week to ensure that votes are being accurately tallied.

California’s New Disclose Act Sets Example for the Nation

California prides itself on being an incubator for democracy reform, so perhaps there’s reason to hope that the state’s attack this week on the scourge of “dark money” in our elections will spread across the country.

Press Club Panel Examines “New Nullification” in the Senate

A standing room only crowd turned out Tuesday at the National Press Club for a Common Cause-sponsored panel discussion of “The ‘New Nullification’ At Work,” a report issued this Spring on continuing dysfunction in the U.S. Senate.

Omaha World Herald: Nebraska Legislature examines new rules to limit filibusters

Gavin Geis, executive director for Common Cause Nebraska, said the current rules serve as a safeguard that ensures a balanced approach to redistricting, a process that has received heavy scrutiny across the country for over-politicization.

"The removal of party registration as a factor in selecting committee members may lead to a lack of diversity in thought and perspective, resulting in skewed representation that doesn't accurately (represent) the political landscape of our state," Geis said.

Federal Court Strikes Down Ban on Unauthorized Committees Using Candidate Names in Website Addresses

Today’s District Court ruling is disappointing as it will embolden to scam PACs to trade on the names of candidates to raise money for their own ends from unknowing citizens. The core requirements of the ban though are in the statute itself and are still enforceable. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) can and should still be enforcing the ban—and opening a rulemaking to establish new disclaimer requirements for non-candidate websites that use a candidate’s name in the URL. The court itself cited such new disclaimer requirements as an...

Common Cause Applauds Funding to Modernize California’s Campaign Finance Disclosure Website

The California Legislature passed its budget passed Wednesday that includes $1.8 million for modernizing Cal-Access, the state's online campaign finance system.

As FCC Website Crashes, We Deliver Net Neutrality Comments in Person

When the Federal Communications Commission’s website crashed – yet again, on Tuesday – the last day to file Net Neutrality comments, a pair of Common Cause interns crossed DC in a thunderstorm to turn in hard copies of thousands of comments from members and activists.

Common Cause Urges Congress to Prioritize Additional Census Funding & Further Examine Trump Administration Request for Census Data Delays

Today, Common Cause called on Congress to increase funding for the Census Bureau and the states to tackle the unprecedented challenges of conducting the Census during the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter also urges Congress to ensure Census Bureau funding is being used solely to compile critical data products and to thoroughly evaluate the Trump administration’s request to delay the Census data delivery deadline which will create significant problems for redistricting deadlines in numerous states. 

Common Cause examines money, power of corporate-legislative alliance

Common Cause Briefing Examines Ohio Redistricting Reform Proposal

Common Cause Ohio organized a briefing on HJR 12, a proposed state constitutional amendment that would reform how Ohio’s state legislative districts are drawn by creating a less partisan process.



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