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Democracy Download: Week of July 9, 2018

Democracy Download is an every-other-weekly round-up of democracy-related events from across the ideological spectrum. These events are based in Washington, D.C., but many can be seen on C-Span or live-streamed on Facebook Live or other online venues. Check links for more information.


Welcome to Democracy Download, an every-other-weekly round-up of events, hearings, and other important dates of note pertaining to our democracy. The events cover a range of perspectives from across the ideological spectrum and are all based in Washington, D.C., but some of them can be seen on C-Span, or live-streamed in Facebook Live, or another online source.  Check links for details. Common Cause publishes this list every-other-week, or weekly if events warrant. If you’d like this delivered as an e-newsletter to your email, or if you have an event you’d like to see listed, contact me at AScherb@commoncause.org. The e-newsletter version also tracks all democracy-related bills introduced in the 115th Congress, which you can find đây.

Key Dates (All times Eastern)



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