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Gerrymander Gazette: Date with NC Supremes Edition

Tài nguyên và thông báo

  • Plaintiffs in consolidated lawsuits challenging gerrymandered maps enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly will appeal a decision in which the three-judge panel appointed to hear the case denied relief. As expected, the North Carolina Supreme Court will ultimately decide whether to uphold the U.S. House, North Carolina Senate, and North Carolina House maps. Plaintiffs, which include Common Cause, individual voters, and the League of Conservation Voters, are challenging maps as partisan gerrymanders that also violate North Carolina’s constitutional protections against the dilution of minority votes. Common Cause is represented by the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. See the SCSJ press release hereread the panel’s decision here.
  • Independent citizen redistricting commissions in California and Michigan recently completed their work. This was the second time a commission drew maps in California and the first time ever that a commission drew maps in Michigan. I talked with California Common Cause Executive Director Jonathan Mehta Stein and Common Cause Michigan Executive Director Quentin Turner on Facebook Live about how things went in each state. Watch the discussion here.
  • The Minnesota judicial panel tasked with drawing U.S. House and state legislative districts – if the Minnesota Legislature fails to do so – held oral arguments last week. All parties testified about their maps in the first session and critiqued other parties’ maps in the second session. Watch the first session (Common Cause/Corrie plaintiffs’ presentation begins at the 01:29:00)second session (Common Cause/Corrie plaintiffs’ presentation begins at the 00:48:30 with a final rebuttal at 1:20:35). The panel is likely to release its maps shortly after February 15, 2022, the legislature’s state constitutional deadline. Tìm hiểu thêm tại đây.

Tin tức

Bản tin này được Common Cause biên soạn và Dan Vicuna biên soạn. Đăng ký nhận báo Gerrymander Gazette tại đây. Để biết thêm thông tin hoặc để truyền đạt tin tức, hãy liên hệ Dan Vicuna.

Đọc các số báo trước tại đây.



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