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Nhận tin tức mới nhất, cơ hội hành động và nguồn lực dân chủ.

*Bằng cách cung cấp số điện thoại của bạn, bạn đồng ý nhận cảnh báo qua điện thoại di động từ Common Cause theo số 95559. Áp dụng cước tin nhắn và dữ liệu.

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1786 Kết quả

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Bộ lọc

1786 Kết quả

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Five Ways To #GetMoneyOut of Politics

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Five Ways To #GetMoneyOut of Politics

Today is the 5th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that let wealthy corporations and specials interests spend as much as they wish in elections to expand their political power.

Will the Supreme Court Let Elected Judges Beg For Cash?

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Will the Supreme Court Let Elected Judges Beg For Cash?

The Supreme Court on Tuesday confronted the question of whether candidates for state judgeships have a free speech right to personally solicit campaign contributions. You can read our analysis of the case here, where we explain that Williams-Yulee v. The Florida Bar is not about free speech, but rather judicial integrity.

7 Bills To Defend Our Democracy

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7 Bills To Defend Our Democracy

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court's disastrous ruling in Citizens United, and to commemorate the occasion, lawmakers are proposing a slate of 7 bills to put our government back in the people's hands

Can You Hear Us Now?

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Can You Hear Us Now?

In a digital age, communities that have long been either the subject of debate or voiceless stereotype now have the means to control their own story. The open Internet provides a way to give the voices of the unheard shape, meaning, and direction.

Voting discrimimation isn’t a thing of the past

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Voting discrimimation isn’t a thing of the past

As many recall, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 last year in Shelby County v. Holder to gut a key provision in the Voting Rights Act that for decades required states and jurisdictions with histories of discrimination to submit their proposed voting changes to a federal body for review before implementation.

Dr. King’s Dream — And Ours

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Dr. King’s Dream — And Ours

As we mark the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. we reflect on his accomplishments and the work yet to be done

Get Out The Vote – and Cancel Out The Money

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Get Out The Vote – and Cancel Out The Money

It’s the old chicken-and-egg problem. Corruption in politics depresses voter turnout, which leads to more corruption in politics. So which came first?

Talking Citizens United on EWTN

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Talking Citizens United on EWTN

As we mark the fifth anniversary of Citizens United, Stephen Spaulding joined EWTN to discuss the aftermath of the disastrous Supreme Court decision and how it has affected our democracy.

Nợ sinh viên

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Nợ sinh viên

Trong khi người Mỹ phải đối mặt với khoản nợ vay học phí lên tới $1,2 nghìn tỷ đô la và 60 phần trăm người Mỹ ủng hộ kế hoạch cung cấp cho sinh viên mức lãi suất tương đương với các ngân hàng lớn, thì các ngân hàng Phố Wall - nhiều ngân hàng trong số đó hưởng lợi từ các khoản vay học phí - đã chi hơn $100 triệu đô la cho cuộc bầu cử năm 2014.



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