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*Bằng cách cung cấp số điện thoại của bạn, bạn đồng ý nhận cảnh báo qua điện thoại di động từ Common Cause theo số 95559. Áp dụng cước tin nhắn và dữ liệu.

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1786 Kết quả

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Nhiều khoản tiền ẩn đang được tiết lộ ở California

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Nhiều khoản tiền ẩn đang được tiết lộ ở California

Bây giờ, nhiều thông tin hơn đã được tiết lộ về nguồn tiền thực sự, Americans for Jobs Security (AJS) có trụ sở tại Virginia. Theo hồ sơ chiến dịch của tiểu bang California, American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) California đã quyên góp tổng cộng $400.000 cho AJS trong những tháng trước cuộc bầu cử. Mặc dù luật tiết lộ của California đủ mạnh để cuối cùng tiết lộ rằng tổ chức có trụ sở tại California đứng sau số tiền này, nhưng sự tiết lộ này diễn ra sau cuộc bầu cử nhiều tháng.

Brown vetoes disclosure, voters still record win

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Brown vetoes disclosure, voters still record win

The home of Silicon Valley is one step closer to replacing our 14-year old antiquated campaign finance disclosure system under a bill signed by Governor Jerry Brown and cosponsored by California Common Cause and the League of Women Voters of California. In 2011, the Secretary of State's Cal-Access system "‘ containing all state campaign finance and lobbying information "‘ crashed for six weeks. Since the system's failure, campaign finance reform advocates and public officials have taken steps to replace the 14-year old system.

BREAKING: Media Monopolists Want More Monopoly

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BREAKING: Media Monopolists Want More Monopoly

This just in: Comcast wants to buy Time Warner Cable for $45 billion. The deal would transform a media behemoth into a 40 million subscriber goliath

Big Spending in Boulder

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Big Spending in Boulder

Donors are lining up on both sides of Ballot Initiative 310 here in Boulder

Speaker Ralston’s Bad Toupee Bill

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Speaker Ralston’s Bad Toupee Bill

"More of a sun visor than a cap," is how Georgia House Speaker David Ralston described the Senate';s Rule limiting gifts from lobbyists to $100. He is so critical because of the exceptions the rule allows. He pledged to write … Continue reading

Attacking Inequality From All Sides

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Attacking Inequality From All Sides

President Obama could have used his State of the Union to tackle political inequality as well

Atlanta Fails for Spending Transparency

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Atlanta Fails for Spending Transparency

A recent report from the‘Georgia Public Interest Research Group Education Fund‘found that the City of Atlanta's spending transparency is not up to par with current standards. The report analyzed thirty of the country's largest cities' transparency practices. Atlanta was ranked … Continue reading



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