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Bộ lọc

1786 Kết quả

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Will Congress Protect Mueller Investigation?

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Will Congress Protect Mueller Investigation?

As President Trump’s inner circle pushes him to strike back at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, why aren’t senators who’ve publicly praised Mueller taking real steps to protect him?

Millions of Americans Innocently Helped Spread Russian Propaganda

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Millions of Americans Innocently Helped Spread Russian Propaganda

After months of soft-pedaling their role as enablers of Russia’s campaign to disrupt the 2016 election, executives of Facebook, Twitter and Google reportedly are set to acknowledge today that their online platforms spread Russian propaganda to millions of Americans – all at the speed of light.

First Shoe Drops in Russia Investigation

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First Shoe Drops in Russia Investigation

With former aides under indictment in the Russia investigation, President Trump tries to change the subject

Nhận được những gì họ đã trả tiền

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Nhận được những gì họ đã trả tiền

Kế hoạch "cải cách" thuế của Tổng thống Trump là khoản lợi nhuận đầu tư cho các nhà tài trợ chiến dịch lớn

“A Death Sentence for Local Media”

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“A Death Sentence for Local Media”

Mergers and acquisitions are all the rage in the telecommunications industry these days. And now the industry’s giants have joined forces to acquire the Federal Communications Commission.

NYC Elections Board Admits It Illegally Purged 200,000-plus Voters

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NYC Elections Board Admits It Illegally Purged 200,000-plus Voters

New York City voters and Common Cause New York scored a big victory today as the City Board of Elections admitted that it illegally removed the names of more than 200,000 people from the voter rolls last year.

Common Cause v. Rucho and the Future of Our Democracy

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Common Cause v. Rucho and the Future of Our Democracy

Wondering what's at stake in the fight over partisan gerrymandering? Check out this video from Common Cause North Carolina

‘I Will Not Be Complicit’

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‘I Will Not Be Complicit’

US Sen. Jeff Flake went to the Senate floor on Tuesday to deliver an extraordinary speech bemoaning the course of his party and the nation under President Trump.

Report Links Interior Secy. Zinke to ‘Scam PACs’

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Report Links Interior Secy. Zinke to ‘Scam PACs’

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has been drumming up business for a group of Washington-based political consultants who some of his fellow Republicans have accused of ripping off party donors.

The Incredible Vanishing Commission

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The Incredible Vanishing Commission

A report today in The Guardian suggests that President Trump's voter fraud commission has either broken down or gone underground.



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