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COMMON CAUSE ACTIVISTS delivered thousands of petitions to Sen. Susan Collins’s office and four other key senators

A Victory in Illinois! A Win for All of Us!

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A Victory in Illinois! A Win for All of Us!

WHILE THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION seems to be constantly attacking basic democratic values, many states are leading the way to ensure a government of, by, and for the people.

More Questions for Jeff Sessions

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More Questions for Jeff Sessions

Even President Trump now refers to him as “beleaguered,” and the description surely fits Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Connecticut’s Relentless Fight for Clean Elections

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Connecticut’s Relentless Fight for Clean Elections

For a state formerly known as “Corrupticut,” Connecticut has become a national leader in clean, transparent elections with its model public financing program, the Citizens’ Election Program (CEP).

Is Trump About to Lash Out?

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Is Trump About to Lash Out?

The journalistic and legal drumbeats tormenting President Trump are continuing to intensify, and there are signs in Washington today that the president is about to make a desperate attempt to silence them.

The President We Should Have

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The President We Should Have

The Washington Post’s editors imagined what a responsible leader, faithful to his obligations under the Constitution, might have said. We’re pleased to share their musings here.

Activists Brave DC Scorcher to Protest “Voting Integrity” Panel

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Activists Brave DC Scorcher to Protest “Voting Integrity” Panel

Hundreds of activists from a wide array of groups braved near triple digit heat and an overzealous Secret Service detail on Wednesday to deliver a simple message to President Trump’s “election integrity” commission: protect and expand voting rights despite executive branch attempts to do the opposite.

Rhode Island Joins Parade to Automatic Voter Registration

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Rhode Island Joins Parade to Automatic Voter Registration

Good news this afternoon from Rhode Island, where Gov. Gina Raimondo has signed a bill providing automatic voter registration to qualified citizens doing business with state agencies.

Colorado Shows the Way to Protecting Our Elections

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Colorado Shows the Way to Protecting Our Elections

While President Trump’s “Election Integrity” commission plots ways to make voting more difficult for millions of Americans, officials in one state – Colorado – have taken a critical step to make sure that every vote is accurately recorded and vote totals are accurately reported.

Twitter Town Hall Will Watchdog “Voter Integrity” Commission

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Twitter Town Hall Will Watchdog “Voter Integrity” Commission

As President Trump’s “election integrity” commission meets by livestream on Wednesday, Common Cause will host a Twitter town hall with analysis and commentary on the commission from some of the nation’s leading election law experts.

The People Speak

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The People Speak

A slew of recent polls make clear that most Americans, nearly 80%, support keeping the network neutrality rules that are the foundation of an open internet. These are the rules passed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 2015, under the leadership of then-chairman Tom Wheeler, that keep the big Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon from determining your internet experience, because they’d rather do that themselves than let you do it. Net neutrality rules prohibit blocking or throttling...



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