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Trump’s Evolution

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Trump’s Evolution

President Trump campaigned on promises to “drain the swamp” in Washington, yet on June 8, arguably the darkest day of his presidency to date, one of Trump’s top assistants hosted some of the most mud-covered swamp residents at the White House

Justice Department Backing Away from Civil Rights Enforcement

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Justice Department Backing Away from Civil Rights Enforcement

The Justice Department under Attorney General Jeff Sessions is gradually eliminating one of the judiciary’s most important tools for civil rights enforcement: “consent decrees” that give judges long-term oversight over individuals, groups and government agencies that have engaged in discrimination.

From Tragedy, a Moment of Unity on Capitol Hill

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From Tragedy, a Moment of Unity on Capitol Hill

Could bipartisan grief produce bipartisan resolve to put aside the rancor that dominates our politics?

Common Cause, Allies, Seek Review of Trump Contacts with Justice Department

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Common Cause, Allies, Seek Review of Trump Contacts with Justice Department

Common Cause is among the co-signers of a letter sent today urging U.S. Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz to examine and make recommendations designed to stop improper contacts by President Trump and the White House with officials of the Department of Justice accountable.

Virginians Nominating Candidates for Governor Today

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Virginians Nominating Candidates for Governor Today

Virginians are heading to the polls today to nominate candidates for governor in a contest that is likely to be seen nationally as a referendum on President Trump’s leadership

Is Trump About to Fire the Man Investigating Him?

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Is Trump About to Fire the Man Investigating Him?

Donald Trump made himself a television star by firing people. Washington is abuzz today with speculation that he’s about to revive that act in the White House, where it almost certainly would boomerang on him.

Trump’s Team Pledges Allegiance – To Trump

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Trump’s Team Pledges Allegiance – To Trump

A few days after denying that he requested a personal loyalty pledge from FBI Director James Comey, President Trump on Monday gave Americans what must have been an unintended demonstration of just how much he values loyalty in his associates.

CHOICE Act Demonstrates Banking Industry’s Muscle

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CHOICE Act Demonstrates Banking Industry’s Muscle

Banks are supposed to protect people’s money, and politicians are supposed to represent people’s interests. But a bill which passed the House of Representatives last week would put people’s savings in jeopardy, enrich the banks, and fatten the campaign chests of its congressional supporters.

Sessions Set to Testify Tuesday

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Sessions Set to Testify Tuesday

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is set to testify at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing tomorrow.

Drinks on the White House

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Drinks on the White House

At bars and pubs across Washington this morning, an assortment of political junkies gathered around the flat screens to watch former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Quote of the Day

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Quote of the Day

For those Americans wondering why official Washington is so fixated on finding out exactly what the Russian government did – or tried to do – last year to influence our election, former FBI Director James Comey delivered a powerful message this morning.

Comey Hearing Is Only the Beginning

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Comey Hearing Is Only the Beginning

After months of rumors and anonymously-sourced media reports, angry tweets and snarky cable news commentary, James Comey is finally under oath this morning and President Trump is very much on trial.



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