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Know how to vote absentee!

Amid evidence that millions of Americans failed to vote in 2012 because they could not get to the polls on Election Day, Common Cause has joined a coalition of voter advocates to launch a campaign to help overseas, military, college, and other potential absentee voters secure, fill out, and mail back their ballots for the November mid-term election.

Amid evidence that millions of Americans failed to vote in 2012 because they could not get to the polls on Election Day, Common Cause has joined a coalition of voter advocates to launch a campaign to help overseas, military, college, and other potential absentee voters secure, fill out, and mail back their ballots for the November mid-term election.

The new online tool below can be used to guide potential absentee voters in securing and submitting their ballots. U.S. Census data suggests 48.3% of voters who did not vote in 2012 cited logistical reasons for not voting, and could have voted absentee. The online tool is designed specifically with these voters in mind, informing them of the absentee voting options in their state and steering them towards taking concrete action to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot.



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