David Vance

Chiến lược gia truyền thông quốc gia

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Gặp gỡ David…

David Vance là Nhà chiến lược truyền thông quốc gia cho Common Cause. Ông làm việc với các nhân viên ở cấp quốc gia và tiểu bang để tạo ra phương tiện truyền thông nhằm khuếch đại tiếng nói và thúc đẩy chiến lược chương trình cải cách dân chủ của tổ chức quốc gia và 35 văn phòng tiểu bang.

Trước khi gia nhập Common Cause vào năm 2016, David đã dành một thập kỷ làm giám đốc truyền thông và nghiên cứu tại Campaign Legal Center, làm việc về tài chính chiến dịch, quyền bỏ phiếu và các vấn đề đạo đức của chính phủ. Trong thời gian làm việc tại đó, hồ sơ truyền thông của tổ chức đã tăng theo cấp số nhân và vào năm 2014, tổ chức đã nhận được Giải thưởng MacArthur cho các tổ chức sáng tạo và hiệu quả.

David có nền tảng sâu rộng về quan hệ công chúng và báo chí. Ông đã từng là giám đốc quan hệ công chúng cho một hiệp hội thương mại quốc tế và làm việc cho hai công ty quan hệ công chúng tại Washington, DC, nơi ông xử lý các vấn đề quan hệ công chúng, quan hệ công chúng và các vấn đề khủng hoảng cả trong nước và quốc tế cho nhiều khách hàng là doanh nghiệp, hiệp hội và phi lợi nhuận.

Trước khi bước vào lĩnh vực quan hệ công chúng, David đã làm việc cho một số văn phòng tin tức ở Washington, DC, WCAX-TV ở Burlington, Vermont cũng như tờ The Washington Post.

David là người bản xứ Washington, DC và có bằng Thạc sĩ Luật của Trường Báo chí Medill thuộc Đại học Northwestern và bằng MFA về Viết sáng tạo của Đại học George Mason.

Tin mới nhất từ David Vance

Senate Republicans Vote for Coverup of Trump Abuses of Power Denying Americans the Truth

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Senate Republicans Vote for Coverup of Trump Abuses of Power Denying Americans the Truth

Americans deserved the truth, but they got a ham-handed coverup instead. The Republican majority in the United States Senate denied the American people the truth and violated their oaths of office in a fruitless attempt to sweep Donald Trump’s illegal acts under the rug. In a cowardly and disgraceful final act to their show trial, Senate Republicans – with the notable exception of Mitt Romney - buried their heads in the sand and voted to condone President Trump’s blatant abuse of the powers of the presidency. Make no mistake about it,...

Iowa Glitch Underscores Need for Paper Ballots, Low Tech Checks on Election Results, More Federal Funding  

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Iowa Glitch Underscores Need for Paper Ballots, Low Tech Checks on Election Results, More Federal Funding  

Americans deserve secure and fair elections and caucuses as they choose their elected representatives. Last night a new app that was introduced to help report Iowa caucus results failed. The new app – which Nevada had been planning to use for its caucuses later this month - was intended to help the precinct chairs record the results from each round of voting and aggregate the results. But no results were delivered because the app failed in numerous ways.

Senate Republicans Ignore Overwhelming Public Support for Witnesses

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Senate Republicans Ignore Overwhelming Public Support for Witnesses

Americans deserve the truth and they deserve to hear from witnesses in the impeachment trial. The Republican Senate majority has cynically ignored overwhelming public support for witness testimony. Nationwide, support for witnesses has risen as more and more details have come out about President Trump’s shameful and illegal conduct in withholding vital military aid to Ukraine in order to coerce our endangered ally into launching an unfounded investigation to smear Trump’s political rival Joe Biden. Recent polls from Monmouth and Quinnipiac...

Common Cause Urges Senators to Listen to The People and Call Witness

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Common Cause Urges Senators to Listen to The People and Call Witness

Today, Common Cause strongly urged the United States Senate to obey the will of the people and vote for the motion to allow future votes on witnesses and evidence in President Trump’s impeachment trial. In a letter to every Senator, Common Cause emphasized that the American people expect and deserve a fair impeachment trial – not a show trial to excuse the abuses of office which led to the impeachment of President Trump.

Latest Bolton Revelations Hammer Home Need for Impeachment Trial Witnesses

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Latest Bolton Revelations Hammer Home Need for Impeachment Trial Witnesses

Americans expect and deserve to hear from witnesses in Donald Trump’s impeachment Trial. The latest revelations that former Trump national security advisor John Bolton can provide direct evidence to expose President Trump’s lies about withholding critical military aide to Ukraine hammer home the need for the Senate to call witnesses. These new details add to a growing mountain of evidence that the President withheld the aide for his personal political gain, lied about it, and had his entire administration stonewall in an attempt to cover...

Common Cause Files Complaint Against Pro-Bernie Sanders Group Our Revolution for Violating Soft Money Ban

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Common Cause Files Complaint Against Pro-Bernie Sanders Group Our Revolution for Violating Soft Money Ban

Today, Common Cause filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging reason to believe that Our Revolution, a nonprofit political organization established by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016 and now supporting his 2020 presidential campaign, violated the federal ‘soft money’ ban. Sen. Sanders has been a longtime critic of super PACs and so-called “Dark Money” groups. The complaint documents that Our Revolution has solicited contributions explicitly to elect Sanders president, received contributions far in excess...

McConnell’s Proposed Fact-Free Show Trial Would Disgrace the United States Senate

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McConnell’s Proposed Fact-Free Show Trial Would Disgrace the United States Senate

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GAO Report Citing Trump Administration for Breaking the Law Shows Courage in Face of White House Intimidation

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GAO Report Citing Trump Administration for Breaking the Law Shows Courage in Face of White House Intimidation

Americans expect and deserve federal agencies that are able to do their jobs free of White House intimidation. Today’s Government Accountability Office (GAO) report is a simple interpretation of the law, stating that the White House broke the law by withholding congressionally mandated military aid for Ukraine. But it took courage to issue that report in the face of a disturbing pattern of intimidation and retribution that the Trump Administration has unleashed against any and all critics.

Bolton Willingness to Testify Highlights Need for Witnesses in Any Fair Impeachment Trial

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Bolton Willingness to Testify Highlights Need for Witnesses in Any Fair Impeachment Trial

Former Trump Administration national security advisor John Bolton’s willingness to testify highlights the need for witness testimony if the Senate is to hold a fair impeachment trial of Donald Trump. In the face of threats by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to move forward with the trial without Democratic support, Common Cause today urged every member of the Senate to commit to a fair and unbiased trial of President Trump – including calling witnesses and returning campaign funds raised for them by the President who will be the...



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