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Common Cause Urges Special Counsel Robert Mueller to Testify Publicly Before Congress

Today, Common Cause urged Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress so that the American people can hear in his own voice of the gravity of his findings and of the ongoing threat to the integrity of our elections from hostile foreign powers. The open letter to the Special Counsel emphasizes that very few Americans have had the time to read the dense and complex 448-page report and none have seen the underlying documentation behind the “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

Today, Common Cause urged Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly before Congress so that the American people can hear in his own voice of the gravity of his findings and of the ongoing threat to the integrity of our elections from hostile foreign powers. The open letter to the Special Counsel emphasizes that very few Americans have had the time to read the dense and complex 448-page report and none have seen the underlying documentation behind the “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election“ .

“It is vitally important that the American people hear from Robert Mueller about his investigation into the Russian attacks on the 2016 election to aid the candidacy of Donald Trump and subsequent attempts by the Trump Administration to stifle or obstruct that investigation,” said Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. “What the American people have heard about the report to date from President Trump and members of his administration is largely spin, deliberate distortions, or outright lies. It is time that the public hears from the source. Despite reports of Special Counsel Mueller’s reservations about testifying publicly, we hope that he will weigh in because the American people deserve the unvarnished truth, not spin.”

The letter outlines key questions left unanswered by the report and urges the Special Counsel to fill in the gaps because Americans deserve to know the truth as our democracy depends on transparency and the rule of law.

To read the full letter to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, nhấp vào đây.

To read the full “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election”, nhấp vào đây.



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