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Common Cause Urges States to Expand Voter Registration through Lottery Tickets

Today, in advance of National Voter Registration Day on September 24th, Common Cause called on state lottery commissioners throughout the country to add voter registration information to the back of lottery tickets. In a letter to commissioners in the 45 states with lotteries, the nonpartisan government watchdog emphasized how this common-sense step could reach thousands of potential voters.

Today, in advance of National Voter Registration Day on September 24th, Common Cause called on state lottery commissioners throughout the country to add voter registration information to the back of lottery tickets. In a thư to commissioners in the 45 states with lotteries, the nonpartisan government watchdog emphasized how this common-sense step could reach thousands of potential voters.

“Every American deserves the opportunity to make their voices heard on Election Day, and lottery tickets present a new avenue to bring more citizens into the democratic process,” said Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn. “Simply asking on the back of a lottery ticket if you are registered to vote, and then printing your state’s voter registration website and deadline could help ensure that thousands more eligible voters are able to register and have their voices heard. This innovative approach could help states register thousands of eligible voters in a no-cost, high-impact way.”

Millions of Americans have registered to vote through the “Motor Voter” National Voter Registration Act, which allows eligible voters to register at their state vehicle and social service agencies. However, tens of millions of eligible American voters remain unregistered. With ước tính showing that nearly half of all Americans buy state lottery tickets each year, lottery tickets with voter registration information on the back are a resource that could reach millions of voters in nearly all 50 states.

According to Pew, most Americans (60+ percent) say they have never been asked to register to vote. State lottery tickets can bridge that gap and help eligible Americans throughout the country have their voices heard at the ballot box in 2020 and beyond.

To read our full letter, nhấp vào đây.



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