Thông cáo báo chí

Statement by Common Cause President Miles Rapoport on Senate Filibuster of Minimum Wage Legislation

As millions of Americans struggle to pay their bills and take care of their families in a rough economy, obstructionists in the Senate are continuing to exploit the filibuster rule to block debate on a proposed increase in the minimum wage.

“As millions of Americans struggle to pay their bills and take care of their families in a rough economy, obstructionists in the Senate are continuing to exploit the filibuster rule to block debate on a proposed increase in the minimum wage.

“Fifty-four senators, a clear majority, voted today to consider this important proposal. But in today’s Senate, the fundamental principle of majority rule is honored in the breach; thanks to the filibuster rule, it takes a supermajority of 60 just to start a debate and another supermajority to actually take action.

“The minimum wage was last adjusted nearly five years ago. On a personal level, I’m disappointed that today’s vote denies millions of Americans something at least slightly closer to a fair wage for their labors. As the leader of a government reform organization, I’m outraged that the Senate continues to operate under a rule that is so clearly unconstitutional.

“Americans deserve a Congress in which vital issues are debated and resolved by majority vote. As long as the filibuster rule remains in place, we won’t get it.”



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