Thông cáo báo chí

Statement of Common Cause President Bob Edgar on Arizona shooting

Like most Americans, I am shocked and horrified at the mass shooting that occurred today in Arizona at a constituent meeting of Congresswoman Giffords.

The prayers of the entire Common Cause family are with Rep. Giffords and her family, her staff and their families, and all the victims and families affected by this deranged shooting.

It is a sad day for America, and for our democracy that shines bright as a beacon of hope for so many other countries. While we do not yet know the motive of the shooter, this is a time for all our elected officials, political leaders and others in public life to vigorously denounce what has become a more common practice of using language laced with violent innuendos and metaphor when discussing opposition in politics. Today is clear and unequivocal evidence that this practice must cease immediately.



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