David Vance

Chiến lược gia truyền thông quốc gia

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Gặp gỡ David…

David Vance là Nhà chiến lược truyền thông quốc gia cho Common Cause. Ông làm việc với các nhân viên ở cấp quốc gia và tiểu bang để tạo ra phương tiện truyền thông nhằm khuếch đại tiếng nói và thúc đẩy chiến lược chương trình cải cách dân chủ của tổ chức quốc gia và 35 văn phòng tiểu bang.

Trước khi gia nhập Common Cause vào năm 2016, David đã dành một thập kỷ làm giám đốc truyền thông và nghiên cứu tại Campaign Legal Center, làm việc về tài chính chiến dịch, quyền bỏ phiếu và các vấn đề đạo đức của chính phủ. Trong thời gian làm việc tại đó, hồ sơ truyền thông của tổ chức đã tăng theo cấp số nhân và vào năm 2014, tổ chức đã nhận được Giải thưởng MacArthur cho các tổ chức sáng tạo và hiệu quả.

David có nền tảng sâu rộng về quan hệ công chúng và báo chí. Ông đã từng là giám đốc quan hệ công chúng cho một hiệp hội thương mại quốc tế và làm việc cho hai công ty quan hệ công chúng tại Washington, DC, nơi ông xử lý các vấn đề quan hệ công chúng, quan hệ công chúng và các vấn đề khủng hoảng cả trong nước và quốc tế cho nhiều khách hàng là doanh nghiệp, hiệp hội và phi lợi nhuận.

Trước khi bước vào lĩnh vực quan hệ công chúng, David đã làm việc cho một số văn phòng tin tức ở Washington, DC, WCAX-TV ở Burlington, Vermont cũng như tờ The Washington Post.

David là người bản xứ Washington, DC và có bằng Thạc sĩ Luật của Trường Báo chí Medill thuộc Đại học Northwestern và bằng MFA về Viết sáng tạo của Đại học George Mason.

Tin mới nhất từ David Vance

Common Cause Prevails in Partisan Gerrymandering Lawsuit

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Common Cause Prevails in Partisan Gerrymandering Lawsuit

A three-judge federal district court panel in North Carolina again ruled in Common Cause v. Rucho that the North Carolina General Assembly violated the U.S. Constitution in 2016 when legislators manipulated congressional districts for partisan advantage. The panel reached the same conclusion in January, but the Supreme Court of the United States vacated and remanded the decision this June following its decision in Gill v. Whitford. The Justices asked the trial court panel to reexamine whether plaintiffs had standing to sue. The panel confirmed...

John McCain Leaves a Lasting Legacy

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John McCain Leaves a Lasting Legacy

Common Cause joins the nation in wishing peace and comfort to the family, friends, and colleagues of Senator John McCain. 

Senate Must Reject Efforts to Undermine the Mueller Investigation by Changing the Department of Justice’s Chain of Command

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Senate Must Reject Efforts to Undermine the Mueller Investigation by Changing the Department of Justice’s Chain of Command

Americans deserve to know the truth about the Russian attacks on the 2016 presidential race. The statements of Chairman Grassley and Senator Graham that they expect to help President Trump confirm a replacement for Attorney General Jeff Sessions after the elections are irresponsible at this time. President Trump should not receive any cover for corruptly replacing the attorney general to appoint a loyalist who will undermine Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.

Manafort Conviction Emphasizes Need to Safeguard Ongoing Special Counsel Investigation

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Manafort Conviction Emphasizes Need to Safeguard Ongoing Special Counsel Investigation

Paul Manafort joins a growing list of convictions stemming from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russia’s attack on the 2016 presidential election. Congress must be prepared to act swiftly and decisively if President Trump attempts to subvert the justice system by pardoning Paul Manafort or otherwise undermining the Special Counsel’s investigation. Today’s jury conviction and the continuing threats from President Trump and his attorneys against the Special Counsel hammer home the need for Congress to protect the...

Michael Cohen Guilty Plea Follows Common Cause Complaints

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Michael Cohen Guilty Plea Follows Common Cause Complaints

The Department of Justice is sending a strong message that it will enforce the nation’s campaign finance laws. The blatant violations of the law that Common Cause outlined in our complaints to the Department of Justice concerning hush money payments to Stormy Daniels are among those that Cohen pleaded guilty to today. Cohen’s guilty plea directly implicates President Trump in related campaign finance violations detailed in Common Cause complaints.

Federal Court Strikes Down Michigan Law Banning Straight-Ticket Voting

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Federal Court Strikes Down Michigan Law Banning Straight-Ticket Voting

Today a federal judge struck down a 2015 bill passed by the Michigan legislature and signed by Governor Snyder to ban straight-ticket voting. Common Cause joined the A. Philip Randolph Institute, the Democratic Party of Michigan, and Michigan voters challenging the law in court.

Michigan Supreme Court Greenlights Redistricting Reform Initiative for November Ballot

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Michigan Supreme Court Greenlights Redistricting Reform Initiative for November Ballot

The Michigan Supreme Court voted 4-3 to reject a lawsuit by well-funded special interests to keep the Voters Not Politicians ballot initiative off the November ballot. The initiative would end political gerrymandering in Michigan by stripping the power to draw districts from state legislators and creating an independent citizen redistricting commission to draw U.S. House and state legislative districts after each decennial census.

UHF Discount Court Decision Response from Michael Copps of Common Cause

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UHF Discount Court Decision Response from Michael Copps of Common Cause

Today, the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued an opinion on the legal challenge to the FCC’s decision to reinstate the UHF Discount. Common Cause was one of the petitioners to file the legal challenge. The DC Circuit dismissed the case finding that the petitioners did not demonstrate sufficient standing.

Cohen Tape Backs Up Common Cause Complaint, DOJ Investigation of Trump Campaign Finance Violations

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Cohen Tape Backs Up Common Cause Complaint, DOJ Investigation of Trump Campaign Finance Violations

The new recording of Donald Trump and his attorney Michael Cohen reveals much more about who knew what when and adds evidence to back up earlier complaints filed by Common Cause urging the DOJ and the FEC to investigate the apparent campaign finance violations. In the tape, Trump and Cohen clearly discuss the payment in the context of the election and its potential impact. The recording reaffirms what we alleged in our complaints and confirms that Donald Trump knew about the Karen McDougal hush money payments before the election despite his...



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