David Vance

Chiến lược gia truyền thông quốc gia

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Gặp gỡ David…

David Vance là Nhà chiến lược truyền thông quốc gia cho Common Cause. Ông làm việc với các nhân viên ở cấp quốc gia và tiểu bang để tạo ra phương tiện truyền thông nhằm khuếch đại tiếng nói và thúc đẩy chiến lược chương trình cải cách dân chủ của tổ chức quốc gia và 35 văn phòng tiểu bang.

Trước khi gia nhập Common Cause vào năm 2016, David đã dành một thập kỷ làm giám đốc truyền thông và nghiên cứu tại Campaign Legal Center, làm việc về tài chính chiến dịch, quyền bỏ phiếu và các vấn đề đạo đức của chính phủ. Trong thời gian làm việc tại đó, hồ sơ truyền thông của tổ chức đã tăng theo cấp số nhân và vào năm 2014, tổ chức đã nhận được Giải thưởng MacArthur cho các tổ chức sáng tạo và hiệu quả.

David có nền tảng sâu rộng về quan hệ công chúng và báo chí. Ông đã từng là giám đốc quan hệ công chúng cho một hiệp hội thương mại quốc tế và làm việc cho hai công ty quan hệ công chúng tại Washington, DC, nơi ông xử lý các vấn đề quan hệ công chúng, quan hệ công chúng và các vấn đề khủng hoảng cả trong nước và quốc tế cho nhiều khách hàng là doanh nghiệp, hiệp hội và phi lợi nhuận.

Trước khi bước vào lĩnh vực quan hệ công chúng, David đã làm việc cho một số văn phòng tin tức ở Washington, DC, WCAX-TV ở Burlington, Vermont cũng như tờ The Washington Post.

David là người bản xứ Washington, DC và có bằng Thạc sĩ Luật của Trường Báo chí Medill thuộc Đại học Northwestern và bằng MFA về Viết sáng tạo của Đại học George Mason.

Tin mới nhất từ David Vance

Public Support Helps Save OCE & It’s Time to Make Office Permanent & Expand Its Powers

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Public Support Helps Save OCE & It’s Time to Make Office Permanent & Expand Its Powers

An outpouring of public support helped save the Office of Congressional Ethics from the latest effort by the House to gut its powers to hold Members accountable. Republican, Democratic and Independent voters let Members know by phone, e-mail and social media that they want more accountability– not less - from their elected representatives in Washington.

Effort to Gut OCE is Irresponsible and Would Only Lead to More Scandals

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Effort to Gut OCE is Irresponsible and Would Only Lead to More Scandals

This latest effort to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics and curb the enforcement of House ethics rules is disgraceful and indicative of the need for someone other than Members to enforce those rules.

Over 400,000 Petitions Delivered to Trump Properties On Day Trump Promised Press Conference

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Over 400,000 Petitions Delivered to Trump Properties On Day Trump Promised Press Conference

Today, on the day that President-elect Donald Trump promised a press conference to discuss how he will “remove” himself from his businesses, activists across the county delivered over 400,000 petition signatures to Trump properties and Senator Pat Toomey’s office regarding Trump’s conflicts of interests.

Portland Joins Growing List of Cities & States Passing Campaign Finance Reforms

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Portland Joins Growing List of Cities & States Passing Campaign Finance Reforms

The Portland, Oregon city council passed “Open & Accountable Elections” today, a reform aimed at curbing special interest money in city elections and making city government more representative and accountable to the voters. Portland joined a growing list of cities and states recently passing laws to curb the influence of big money in elections.

Common Cause Joins Senator McCain in Calling for Select Committee to Investigate Russian Interference in 2016 Election

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Common Cause Joins Senator McCain in Calling for Select Committee to Investigate Russian Interference in 2016 Election

The increasing evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election demands an exhaustive investigation and expedited bi-partisan hearings. The troubling findings of the U.S. intelligence community and are only compounded by the unprecedented lack of transparency concerning business connections between President-elect Donald Trump and Russian interests.

Obama Administration Joining Investigations of Russian Hacking & Meddling in 2016 Election

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Obama Administration Joining Investigations of Russian Hacking & Meddling in 2016 Election

“President Obama lends important muscle to the investigation that must begin now in any involvement by any foreign agent in the 2016 election. With Senators McCain and Graham announcing hearings after the first of the year, the President’s investigation can inform the congressional efforts and ensure that this effort is not about partisan power games, but about preserving and protecting the integrity of our elections by learning everything we can through these investigations and improving security moving forward.”

Trump Business Conflicts Can Only be Addressed Through a True Blind Trust Says Bipartisan Group of Leading Governance Experts

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Trump Business Conflicts Can Only be Addressed Through a True Blind Trust Says Bipartisan Group of Leading Governance Experts

A bipartisan group of organizations and individuals, many of whom specialize in ethical and conflicts of interest issues, today called on President-elect Trump to divest his businesses into a true blind trust managed by an independent trustee, or the equivalent.

Female Candidates Have Greatest Success in Open Seat Elections But Poorly Funded by PACs, Donors, and Major Parties

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Female Candidates Have Greatest Success in Open Seat Elections But Poorly Funded by PACs, Donors, and Major Parties

Representation2020, Common Cause and the Center for Responsive Politics have released a new report revealing the systemic disparity in funding for female candidates running for open seats by PACs, individual donors and major parties. Women are more likely to win open seat races than women challenging an incumbent. In addition, Republican women are likely to face additional barriers and increased opposition funding.

Trump Tweets Do Not Solve Massive Conflicts of Interest: Statement of Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause President

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Trump Tweets Do Not Solve Massive Conflicts of Interest: Statement of Karen Hobert Flynn, Common Cause President

President-elect Trump’s promise to leave his businesses “in total” to focus on the presidency needs to be backed up by details that demonstrate that the President and his administration will focus solely on what is best for the American people, not what advances Trump’s business empire.



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