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Điểm cao của Washington trong Bảng điểm Dân chủ năm 2024 của Common Cause 

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Điểm cao của Washington trong Bảng điểm Dân chủ năm 2024 của Common Cause 

Washington — Common Cause, tổ chức giám sát phi đảng phái, đã công bố “Bảng điểm dân chủ” năm 2024, ghi lại sự ủng hộ của mọi thành viên Quốc hội đối với quyền bỏ phiếu, đạo đức của Tòa án Tối cao và các cải cách khác.  

Liên hệ phương tiện truyền thông

David Vance

Chiến lược gia truyền thông quốc gia

Katie Scally

Giám đốc truyền thông

Ariana Marmolejo

Chuyên gia chiến lược truyền thông khu vực (Tây)

Jennifer Garcia

Chuyên gia chiến lược truyền thông khu vực (miền Nam)

Kenny Colston

Chuyên gia chiến lược truyền thông khu vực (Midwest)

Mạng lưới các chuyên gia cải cách dân chủ cấp quốc gia và tiểu bang của Common Cause là những nhà bình luận truyền thông thường xuyên. Để nói chuyện với một trong những chuyên gia của chúng tôi, vui lòng liên hệ với bất kỳ thành viên nào trong nhóm báo chí ở trên.

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Indianapolis Star: Voting rights advocates worry new Indiana law will disenfranchise vulnerable voters

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Indianapolis Star: Voting rights advocates worry new Indiana law will disenfranchise vulnerable voters

It's likely the law will be challenged in court. Common Cause Indiana Executive Director Julia Vaughn said "it creates serious questions about violations of the United States Constitution and the Civil Rights Act."

Several organizations including Common Cause say the legislation would disproportionately affect the elderly, minorities who already facing barriers to voting and voters who use alternate voting methods like travel boards or the military post card application. Voting rights groups are especially worried those who are...

Mother Jones: Republicans Are Trying to Seize Control Over Voting In Texas’ Largest Democratic County

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Mother Jones: Republicans Are Trying to Seize Control Over Voting In Texas’ Largest Democratic County

Harris County has become the epicenter for what Common Cause Texas calls the “Texas Edition of the Big Lie.” 

“It’s a really intentional form of partisan takeovers of local election offices,” says Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas.

Texas Tribune: Harris County must remove its elections chief under new legislation headed to Gov. Greg Abbott

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Texas Tribune: Harris County must remove its elections chief under new legislation headed to Gov. Greg Abbott

“All of these changes together are forcing Harris County voters to live in a different set of circumstances than the rest of the state. This is creating a disparate scenario for those voters and barriers to well run elections,” said Katya Ehresman, voting rights program director at Common Cause Texas. “There’s a clear partisan element to that with Harris County growing in its Democratic stronghold. But there’s also definitely a disparate racial impact element to these bills continuing to pass as the county is home to the largest...

Unions, public interest advocates thwart hedge fund’s attempted takeover of local news and set groundbreaking FCC precedent  

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Unions, public interest advocates thwart hedge fund’s attempted takeover of local news and set groundbreaking FCC precedent  

“Today’s developments are a resounding win – we say YES to long term investment in local newsrooms that make America’s democracy stronger,” said Kathay Feng, Vice President for Programs at Common Cause.

Arizona Republic: After vowing to back LGBTQ Arizonans, Hobbs vetoes bill on transgender student names

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Arizona Republic: After vowing to back LGBTQ Arizonans, Hobbs vetoes bill on transgender student names

"The Voter Privacy Violation Act was pushed under the false guise of transparency when in reality, it was based on conspiracies and would have only served to further facilitate the rampant spread of election misinformation," Common Cause Arizona Program Director
Jenny Guzman said in a statement.

PolitiFact: Fact-checking ‘Succession’: What happens if a fire destroys 100,000 absentee ballots in Milwaukee?

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PolitiFact: Fact-checking ‘Succession’: What happens if a fire destroys 100,000 absentee ballots in Milwaukee?

A similar case would go through the court system in Wisconsin and eventually find its way to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, said Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin. Republicans may also appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Unfortunately, I think politics would play a role in both state Supreme Court and in the U.S. Supreme Court," Heck said, "which is why this hypothetical scenario I hope never happens, because it would be awful."

Houston Chronicle: Texas lawmakers decline online voter registration bills, despite 40-plus states having the option

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Houston Chronicle: Texas lawmakers decline online voter registration bills, despite 40-plus states having the option

"We've had 130-something days and no hearings on online voter registration, but multiple hearings on criminal penalty bills or firing elections administrator bills or state takeover bills," said Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas. "That is a clear priority of lawmakers, as opposed to making it easier for people to vote, and instead just kind of spread these conspiracy theories of unfounded voter fraud."

Broadcasting & Cable (Op-Ed): Why Standard General’s Proposed Tegna Merger Hurts Our Democracy

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Broadcasting & Cable (Op-Ed): Why Standard General’s Proposed Tegna Merger Hurts Our Democracy

Local news is facing a stiff headwind as it fights to remain viable in an environment where media consolidation is gutting newsrooms across the country. That is why Common Cause is opposed to gigantic hedge funds and investment groups taking over media outlets — because inevitably, they are in it to extract profits.

NPR: Is drawing a voting map that helps a political party illegal? Only in some states

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NPR: Is drawing a voting map that helps a political party illegal? Only in some states

State courts have become the battleground for partisan gerrymandering after the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark 2019 ruling in the case known as Rucho v. Common Cause.

"For several decades, people in the states had held out hope that the Supreme Court would lay down a standard for finding that partisan gerrymandering had happened and potentially overruling maps where that kind of vote rigging had happened," says Kathay Feng, vice president of programs at Common Cause, the advocacy group that has also helped lead the ongoing case...

Anchorage Daily News: Alaska Redistricting Board adopts final political map after landmark gerrymandering ruling

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Anchorage Daily News: Alaska Redistricting Board adopts final political map after landmark gerrymandering ruling

After April’s decision, Alaska became the 13th state to have its highest court interpret the state’s constitution to ban partisan gerrymandering. A further seven states have a statutory ban on partisan gerrymandering, according to Dan Vicuña, national redistricting manager at Common Cause, a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit that campaigns to end gerrymandering across the nation.

“Whether it happens in a red state or a blue state, a constitutional ban on partisan gerrymandering is always a landmark victory for the...

Politics PA: Federal Suit Over PA Voter Rolls Settled

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Politics PA: Federal Suit Over PA Voter Rolls Settled

“Today, we put Judicial Watch’s false claims about the security of our elections to rest. This settlement confirms what the vast majority of Pennsylvanians know: our elections are free and fair,” said Jill Greene, voting and elections manager at Common Cause of Pennsylvania. “We’ll continue to protect our neighbors from attempts by outside groups to rob them of their right to vote.”

Tạp chí tin tức Delaware: Quyền bỏ phiếu cho các tập đoàn Delaware đang được cân nhắc; Dự luật được thông qua để cho phép các thực thể nhân tạo tham gia bầu cử ở Seaford

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Tạp chí tin tức Delaware: Quyền bỏ phiếu cho các tập đoàn Delaware đang được cân nhắc; Dự luật được thông qua để cho phép các thực thể nhân tạo tham gia bầu cử ở Seaford

Claire Snyder-Hall, giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Delaware, một tổ chức ủng hộ chính phủ minh bạch, gọi đây là "một nỗ lực vô lý nhằm tước đoạt quyền của những chủ sở hữu bất động sản giàu có, một số người thậm chí không sống ở Delaware, trong các cuộc bầu cử thị trấn".

"Chúng ta đang chứng kiến các cuộc tấn công vào quyền tự do bỏ phiếu trên khắp cả nước, và chủ yếu là những người Cộng hòa đang cố gắng tạo ra rào cản cho việc bỏ phiếu", bà nói với Delaware Online/The News Journal. "Và đây là một cách khác để đạt được cùng một mục đích, đúng không?

"Giống như 'Ồ, chúng ta...



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