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Điểm cao của Washington trong Bảng điểm Dân chủ năm 2024 của Common Cause 

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Điểm cao của Washington trong Bảng điểm Dân chủ năm 2024 của Common Cause 

Washington — Common Cause, tổ chức giám sát phi đảng phái, đã công bố “Bảng điểm dân chủ” năm 2024, ghi lại sự ủng hộ của mọi thành viên Quốc hội đối với quyền bỏ phiếu, đạo đức của Tòa án Tối cao và các cải cách khác.  

Liên hệ phương tiện truyền thông

David Vance

Chiến lược gia truyền thông quốc gia

Katie Scally

Giám đốc truyền thông

Ariana Marmolejo

Chuyên gia chiến lược truyền thông khu vực (Tây)

Jennifer Garcia

Chuyên gia chiến lược truyền thông khu vực (miền Nam)

Kenny Colston

Chuyên gia chiến lược truyền thông khu vực (Midwest)

Mạng lưới các chuyên gia cải cách dân chủ cấp quốc gia và tiểu bang của Common Cause là những nhà bình luận truyền thông thường xuyên. Để nói chuyện với một trong những chuyên gia của chúng tôi, vui lòng liên hệ với bất kỳ thành viên nào trong nhóm báo chí ở trên.

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4028 Kết quả

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Common Cause Ca ngợi Dữ liệu cử tri cho thấy tỷ lệ bỏ phiếu của thanh thiếu niên đã tăng lên trong thập kỷ qua

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Common Cause Ca ngợi Dữ liệu cử tri cho thấy tỷ lệ bỏ phiếu của thanh thiếu niên đã tăng lên trong thập kỷ qua

WASHINGTON, DC — Common Cause, một nhóm giám sát quyền bỏ phiếu, hoan nghênh Trung tâm Thông tin & Nghiên cứu về Học tập và Tham gia của Công dân (CIRCLE) tại Cao đẳng Tufts Tisch về báo cáo gần đây về quyền bỏ phiếu của người trẻ.

The Guardian: Texas consider bills criminalizing voter fraud despite no evidence

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The Guardian: Texas consider bills criminalizing voter fraud despite no evidence

“These bills seem to be wanting to prosecute widespread voter fraud, yet there’s no evidence for these being needed right now other than conjecture or partisan politics,” said Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas.

She said that often lawmakers like Paxton in Texas use the biannual legislative session to “create political theater” that will help them in their bids for re-election.

“It’s largely a problem in search of a solution, especially as less than 18 months...

Raw Story: Revealed: Nearly $500 million continues to sit in a bloated, unused government fund

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Raw Story: Revealed: Nearly $500 million continues to sit in a bloated, unused government fund

Nonprofit government reform group Common Cause supports citizen-funded elections, too, including campaign funding vouchers. Common Cause said it would prefer to see the current presidential public financing system modernized rather than see the fund emptied.

“The disclosure laws and regulations have not kept pace at all with outside spending,” said Stephen Spaulding, vice president of policy and external affairs at Common Cause. “A significant percentage of money comes through ‘dark money’ groups that don't have to...

Bloomberg: The GOP Is Making It Harder for College Students to Vote

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Bloomberg: The GOP Is Making It Harder for College Students to Vote

Mia Lewis, associate director of the voting rights organization Common Cause Ohio, questioned why the change was needed.

“Our secretary of state has said for years that Ohio runs model elections, setting a standard for the entire country, and yet suddenly there’s a desire to change them,” she said. “It’s perfectly legitimate to ask what’s driving these sudden changes.”

Washington Post: Clarence Thomas might have recognized law at issue in his real estate deal

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Washington Post: Clarence Thomas might have recognized law at issue in his real estate deal

Back in 2011, he updated years of his financial disclosure reports to include employment details for his wife, conservative activist Virginia “Ginni” Thomas. The updates came after the watchdog group Common Cause raised red flags. Thomas said the employment information was “inadvertently omitted due to a misunderstanding of the filing instructions.”

Despite Thomas having acknowledged the error and amended his filings, Common Cause wasn’t impressed and suggested it didn’t add up.

“Justice Thomas sits...

Miami Herald/CQ-Roll Call: Asking Clarence Thomas to testify in Senate could spark a showdown

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Miami Herald/CQ-Roll Call: Asking Clarence Thomas to testify in Senate could spark a showdown

Common Cause sent a letter Tuesday to the Senate Judiciary Committee asking them have Thomas testify and “put it on the record for the American people,” as well as have Roberts testify. “The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly proven itself incapable of policing itself without a code of ethics,” Common Cause co-president Marilyn Carpinteyro said in a news release. “It is time for Congress to hold hearings and pass legislation to establish a code of ethics for Supreme Court Justices to hold them to the same standards as every other...

USA Today/Gannett: Tỷ phú GOP Harlan Crow đã mua bất động sản từ Thẩm phán Clarence Thomas, theo báo cáo mới

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USA Today/Gannett: Tỷ phú GOP Harlan Crow đã mua bất động sản từ Thẩm phán Clarence Thomas, theo báo cáo mới

"Người Mỹ mong đợi và xứng đáng có một Tòa án Tối cao công bằng và vô tư và chúng ta cần sự minh bạch để xác định các xung đột tiềm ẩn và khôi phục lòng tin của công chúng vào tòa án cao nhất của quốc gia chúng ta", đồng chủ tịch Common Cause Marilyn Carpinteyro cho biết vào đầu tuần này, trước tiết lộ mới nhất. "Tòa án Tối cao Hoa Kỳ đã nhiều lần chứng minh rằng mình không có khả năng tự kiểm soát nếu không có bộ quy tắc đạo đức".

Common Cause Veterans Kathay Feng and Stephen Spaulding Step Into VP Roles

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Common Cause Veterans Kathay Feng and Stephen Spaulding Step Into VP Roles

Common Cause is pleased to announce that two Common Cause veterans have stepped into the role of vice president at the government watchdog. Longtime Common Cause leader Kathay Feng will step into the role of Vice President for Programs and Stephen Spaulding is returning to Common Cause from his role as Policy Director of the U.S. Senate Rules Committee and will serve as Vice President for Policy & External Affairs. Together the two will help lead Common Cause’s national efforts to reduce barriers to a more representative democracy. They will...

Judiciary Committees Urged to Call Justice Thomas as a Witness in Supreme Court Ethics Hearings

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Judiciary Committees Urged to Call Justice Thomas as a Witness in Supreme Court Ethics Hearings

Today, Common Cause urged the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to call Justice Clarence Thomas as a witness in hearings to examine Supreme Court ethics in the wake of the latest scandal to engulf the nation’s highest court. Recent reporting by ProPublica revealed that for more than two decades Justice Thomas failed to report luxury gifts and vacations he received from billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow. 

Associated Press: Trump’s response to criminal charges revives election lies

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Associated Press: Trump’s response to criminal charges revives election lies

Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, which has long been critical of Trump’s allegations of election rigging, noted that all the investigations of the former president began well before he started running for president again.

“Nobody is above the law, including former presidents, and running for president cannot and must not serve as a shield for wrongful conduct,” Scherb said.

Florida Public Radio/WFSU: Florida elections bill would further restrict voter registration groups

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Florida Public Radio/WFSU: Florida elections bill would further restrict voter registration groups

“We saw that it has a lot more restrictions on third-party voter registration organizations," said Amy Keith, program director for Common Cause Florida, an organization that works to ensure fair and free elections. "When you put more rules, when you put more fines, you restrict their work."

"When you restrict a small community organization, and you put more of a burden on them, they don't have the ability to comply," Keith said.

Charleston Gazette-Mail: As Morrisey mounts gubernatorial run, environmental advocates fear he has damaged WV’s climate future

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Charleston Gazette-Mail: As Morrisey mounts gubernatorial run, environmental advocates fear he has damaged WV’s climate future

“Attorney General Morrisey should know better,” Aaron Scherb, senior legislative affairs director at Common Cause, a Washington, D.C.-based government watchdog group, said in a phone interview.

Common Cause filed complaints with the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission against Trump in 2018 alleging a $130,000 payment to Stephanie Clifford, a pornographic actress known as Stormy Daniels, was an unreported in-kind contribution to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign committee in violation of federal...



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