David Vance

Chiến lược gia truyền thông quốc gia

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Gặp gỡ David…

David Vance là Nhà chiến lược truyền thông quốc gia cho Common Cause. Ông làm việc với các nhân viên ở cấp quốc gia và tiểu bang để tạo ra phương tiện truyền thông nhằm khuếch đại tiếng nói và thúc đẩy chiến lược chương trình cải cách dân chủ của tổ chức quốc gia và 35 văn phòng tiểu bang.

Trước khi gia nhập Common Cause vào năm 2016, David đã dành một thập kỷ làm giám đốc truyền thông và nghiên cứu tại Campaign Legal Center, làm việc về tài chính chiến dịch, quyền bỏ phiếu và các vấn đề đạo đức của chính phủ. Trong thời gian làm việc tại đó, hồ sơ truyền thông của tổ chức đã tăng theo cấp số nhân và vào năm 2014, tổ chức đã nhận được Giải thưởng MacArthur cho các tổ chức sáng tạo và hiệu quả.

David có nền tảng sâu rộng về quan hệ công chúng và báo chí. Ông đã từng là giám đốc quan hệ công chúng cho một hiệp hội thương mại quốc tế và làm việc cho hai công ty quan hệ công chúng tại Washington, DC, nơi ông xử lý các vấn đề quan hệ công chúng, quan hệ công chúng và các vấn đề khủng hoảng cả trong nước và quốc tế cho nhiều khách hàng là doanh nghiệp, hiệp hội và phi lợi nhuận.

Trước khi bước vào lĩnh vực quan hệ công chúng, David đã làm việc cho một số văn phòng tin tức ở Washington, DC, WCAX-TV ở Burlington, Vermont cũng như tờ The Washington Post.

David là người bản xứ Washington, DC và có bằng Thạc sĩ Luật của Trường Báo chí Medill thuộc Đại học Northwestern và bằng MFA về Viết sáng tạo của Đại học George Mason.

Tin mới nhất từ David Vance

Roberts Court Deals Blow to Minority Voting Rights in Texas Racial Gerrymander Case

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Roberts Court Deals Blow to Minority Voting Rights in Texas Racial Gerrymander Case

Except for one state legislative district, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Texas congressional and state legislative districts and overturned a lower court decision that the districts were racially discriminatory. The lower court in Abbott v. Perez had previously determined that the districts violated 14th Amendment equal protection and the Voting Rights Act. Common Cause filed an amicus brief on behalf of the plaintiff-appellees in this case.

Supreme Court Sends N.C. Partisan Gerrymandering Case, Rucho v. Common Cause, Back to Lower Court

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Supreme Court Sends N.C. Partisan Gerrymandering Case, Rucho v. Common Cause, Back to Lower Court

The Rucho v. Common Cause organizational plaintiffs include Common Cause and the North Carolina Democratic Party. Both organizations have members in every congressional district in North Carolina. Rucho v. Common Cause also has individual plaintiffs, including  at least one voter from each of North Carolina’s 13 congressional districts.

Supreme Court Delays Decision on Partisan Gerrymandering

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Supreme Court Delays Decision on Partisan Gerrymandering

The U.S. Supreme Court released opinions in two partisan gerrymandering cases, remanding Gill v. Whitford and allowing Benisek v. Lamone to go to trial. The Campaign Legal Center litigated Gill and Mayer Brown litigated Benisek. The Supreme Court is now set up to review North Carolina’s partisan gerrymandering case, Rucho v. Common Cause and Rucho v. League of Women Voters of North Carolina, consolidated challenges to North Carolina’s congressional map that plaintiffs won in January.

IG Report Must Not Undermine or Distract from Mueller Investigation’s 23 Indictments & 5 Guilty Pleas   

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IG Report Must Not Undermine or Distract from Mueller Investigation’s 23 Indictments & 5 Guilty Pleas   

The Inspector General’s report runs more than 500 pages but it clearly states that the investigation “found no evidence that the conclusions by Department prosecutors were affected by bias or other improper considerations; rather, we concluded that they were based on the prosecutors’ assessment of the facts, the law, and past Department practice.” The report will continue to be cherrypicked by President Trump and his defenders in an attempt to undermine Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, the FBI, and the Justice...

Federal Judge Decision to Approve AT&T/Time Warner Merger is a Loss for Consumers, Competition, and Innovation

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Federal Judge Decision to Approve AT&T/Time Warner Merger is a Loss for Consumers, Competition, and Innovation

Today, a federal judge issued a ruling approving the proposed $85.4 billion merger between AT&T and Time Warner. The approval allows one of the largest internet service providers to merge with one of the largest film and television studio companies creating an entity that will control the content and distribution of some of the most popular programming in the market.

Supreme Court Clears Ohio Voter Roll Purges

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Supreme Court Clears Ohio Voter Roll Purges

“Every American deserves the chance to make their voice heard in our elections without fear of election officials targeting them because of their voting history,” said Common Cause president Karen Hobert Flynn. “But regardless of how the Court dressed up today’s ruling, the narrow majority just took another hostile step against the right to vote. The laws in most states are more protective of infrequent voters than the one the Court approved in Ohio. Still, many partisan officials are doubtless already studying this morning’s...

Net Neutrality Repeal in Effect but Fight to Restore Rules Far from Over

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Net Neutrality Repeal in Effect but Fight to Restore Rules Far from Over

Today, the Federal Communications Commission’s repeal of its net neutrality rules officially goes into effect. Internet service providers will now be free to block, throttle, or create fast lanes and slow lanes by charging websites extra fees to prioritize their content.

Common Cause Joins Public Knowledge in Urging the FCC To Provide Transparency on Educational and Outreach Rules During Technology Transitions  

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Common Cause Joins Public Knowledge in Urging the FCC To Provide Transparency on Educational and Outreach Rules During Technology Transitions  

On May 31, 2018, Common Cause joined Public Knowledge in a letter urging the FCC to provide transparency as to why the agency’s education and outreach technology transition rules from 2016 never went into effect. The rules require telecommunications carriers to provide education and outreach to their customers when they are seeking to replace their legacy phone network with a new service. The rules are specifically tailored to ensure the most vulnerable communities including low-income, the elderly, and people with disabilities have the...

Common Cause Urges Congressional Oversight Committees to Investigate Trump Administration Dealings with ZTE & Chinese Govt

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Common Cause Urges Congressional Oversight Committees to Investigate Trump Administration Dealings with ZTE & Chinese Govt

Today, Common Cause urged congressional oversight committees to investigate and hold hearings on the Trump Administration’s interactions with Chinese government officials and ZTE, a company that violated trade sanctions with Iran and has been deemed a security threat by U.S. intelligence agencies.



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