
Our Impact

Common Cause has been fighting for and winning key democracy reforms since our founding in 1970. Although Common Cause has had members in Virginia since the beginning, now is the time to build out our movement for a better Commonwealth. Join us today!

When Common Cause Virginia takes action, we make a real difference for democracy.

With the support of our dedicated members, we have shown up time and time again to protect Virginians’ rights. We will continue to make our government here in Virginia more open, honest, and accountable.

Check out some of our most impactful victories:

Fighting Back Against Anti-Voter Bills

In the wake of Donald Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election, some partisan politicians in Virginia pushed for new laws to silence voters. Common Cause Virginia fought tirelessly against these bills, which sought to build obstacles to the ballot box for eligible Virginia voters, especially voters of color, and strip local election authorities of the tools they need to effectively do their jobs.

Mobilizing Election Protection Volunteers

Each election year, Common Cause Virginia mobilizes nonpartisan volunteers across the state to serve as a first line of defense for voters. These volunteers answer voters’ questions at their polling places, make sure that voters know their rights, and report any attempts to intimidate or obstruct voters. This program has helped countless Virginians make themselves heard at the ballot box.

Election Protection

Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.




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