
ووٹر دبانے کو روکنا

Some elected officials are trying to silence voters by creating needless barriers to the ballot box. Common Cause is fighting back against these anti-democracy efforts.

We should be able to make our voices heard at the polls and have a say in the leaders who represent us. But sometimes, politicians push for laws that discourage, obstruct, or even intimidate voters in an effort to cling to their power.

Polling place closures, limits to vote-by-mail, and needlessly strict voter ID regulations can prevent eligible voters from casting their ballot—and lately, this playbook of voter suppression strategies has become more popular. Common Cause is stopping voter suppression by opposing these efforts in the legislature, in the courts, and beyond in defense of the right to vote.

آپ کی مالی مدد سے ہمیں اثر انداز ہونے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔ اقتدار کو جوابدہ رکھنا اور جمہوریت کو مضبوط کرنا۔

عطیہ کریں۔



ہیلو! ایسا لگتا ہے کہ آپ {state} سے ہمارے ساتھ شامل ہو رہے ہیں۔

دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں کہ آپ کی ریاست میں کیا ہو رہا ہے؟

کامن کاز پر جائیں {state}