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The Battle Against Partisan Gerrymandering in Wisconsin Progresses This Summer

State legislators are hearing from their constituents, including many CC/WI Members, calling for an end to partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Keep applying pressure on your state legislators. It's working!

“Iowa Model” Redistricting Reform Legislation Publicly Presented

The "Iowa Model" redistricting measure has been introduced, with bi-partisan support, in the Wisconsin Legislature and will be formally rolled out by the lead sponsors on Tuesday, July 16 at 10:30 AM in the Assembly Parlor of the State Capitol.

Counties in 32 of 33 WI State Senate Districts & 91 of 99 Assembly Districts Back Ending Partisan Gerrymandering

An analysis by CC/WI Board member and former state representative Penny Bernard Schaber demonstrates that Wisconsin voters and their local elected officials throughout the state overwhelmingly support ending partisan gerrymandering.

Vos, Fitzgerald, Nygren & Darling: Wisconsin Taxpayers to Continue to Pay for Partisan Gerrymandering

The Republican Chairs of the Wisconsin Legislature's Joint Finance Committee announced today that they will take non-partisan redistricting reform out of Gov. Tony Evers' 2019-2021 biennium budget proposal – despite overwhelming support for this reform.


U.S. Supreme Court Delays Decision for Now on Wisconsin Gerrymander Court Case

"Today, the U.S. Supreme Court today did not to address the unconstitutionality of one of the most partisan gerrymanders of state legislative districts (2011) in American history, but we remain hopeful that standing can be addressed and we can win justice in the courts" said Jay Heck, the long-time executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin.

Money & Influence 06.13.2018

Wisconsin Government Infected With Political Equivalent of Emerald Ash Borer

All three branches of Wisconsin government continue to be infected with the political equivalent of the emerald ash borer. The Supreme Court, the Legislature and the Governor’s office are under the influence of far too much special interest money and the corruption it breeds.

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