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Common Cause Wisconsin and Other Statewide Fair Maps Advocates Challenge State Legislative Candidates in 2024 to Take This Pledge to Support Fair Voting Maps

All Candidates Must Be Proactive to Inform CCWI and Voters of their Position on This Issue!

Fair Price for Fair Maps

Wisconsin Taxpayers to Pay Just $64,000 for Fair Voting Maps After Doling Out More Than $3 Million for Unfair, Partisan Gerrymandered Maps Over last 13 Years.

Gov. Evers Signs Transformative Redistricting Measure into Law

Today, Wisconsinites also can begin celebrating new, far more fair and representative state legislative district voting maps that will be in effect for this year’s August primary and November general elections. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers signed into law the very same voting maps he submitted to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Evers Has Said He Will Sign Maps Legislation into Law Effective for 2024 Elections

The Wisconsin Legislature on Tuesday passed new and dramatically different state legislative voting maps to be in place for the 2024 elections. Gov. Tony Evers has indicated he will sign them into law.

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