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Voting & Elections 05.5.2023

CCWI Working on WEC Advisory Committee to Formulate Rules

Earlier this year, the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) unanimously decided that clearer administrative rules overseeing the election observer system in the state were desirable and necessary to help alleviate further misunderstanding and to promote greater public confidence in the election process in future elections. CCWI is participating in this effort.

Voting & Elections 04.13.2023

Will We Move Forward, Backwards or More of the Same?

The national hype for this contest for ideological control of the State Supreme Court was justified and not over the top. It was by any measure, monumentally significant.

What’s the Same and What’s Different This Time

Ten years ago this July, Wisconsin experienced the most partisan, secretive, costly (to taxpayers) and voter-unfriendly redistricting process of its state legislative and congressional districts in history. It was also the most hyper partisan gerrymander of voting maps of any state in the nation in 2011.


Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice-Elect Hagedorn’s “Gratitude” to Republican Party Underscores Necessity for Stronger Recusal Rules

Hagedorn says he will be impartial when he is sworn in as a justice later this Summer. But in the absence of stronger recusal rules for Wisconsin judges, will he really be impartial, objective, and beholden only to the law and not his supporters?

Money & Influence 09.3.2018

Voters Needed to Save Democracy

There are some elections which prove to be more important than others in the operation of our democracy. One such election is this November. This importance will require voters truly concerned about the health of our nation's democracy to put the current state of hyper-partisanship, and too often single issue voting, aside and do some broader candidate analysis.

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