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Money & Influence 06.13.2018

Wisconsin Government Infected With Political Equivalent of Emerald Ash Borer

All three branches of Wisconsin government continue to be infected with the political equivalent of the emerald ash borer. The Supreme Court, the Legislature and the Governor’s office are under the influence of far too much special interest money and the corruption it breeds.

Voting & Elections 12.22.2017

Time to Defend Our Democracy

Failure to support Mueller's investigation, discrediting our justice agencies, and raising false diversionary issues, should be seen as an insult to the American people and an affront to our democracy.

Voting & Elections 10.17.2017

UW Study Documents Problems with Voter ID

It appears that people who thought that Wisconsin's strict Voter ID law would suppress eligible voters have had their suspicions confirmed.

Voting & Elections 03.4.2017

Gerrymandering: Unconstitutional and Unaffordable

“Gerrymander” is defined as: “To divide (an area) into political units to give special advantage to one group.”

One Dozen Legislative and Statewide Candidates Have Told CC/WI of Their Support for Non-Partisan Redistricting Reform Thus Far

Last Thursday, Common Cause in Wisconsin challenged candidates of all political parties to contact us if they support establishing a non-partisan redistricting process for Wisconsin to be in place for the next time redistricting occurs – in 2021.

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