

Guide du vote anticipé par correspondance

Voici ce que vous devez savoir pour voter par correspondance anticipée dans le Wisconsin.
Vote by mail

In Wisconsin, any voter can choose to cast their ballot one of three ways:

  1. Absentee ballot by mail
  2. In-person absentee ballot (aka early voting) at an officially designated site beginning two weeks before Election Day
  3. At your polling location on Election Day

You should consider voting by absentee ballot if:

  • you think there is a chance you won’t make it to the polls on Election Day or
  • you like the convenience of voting from your residence with a mailed ballot or
  • you want to avoid finding time to vote on Election Day.

But don’t I need an excuse?

No, you ne pas need a reason or excuse to vote by absentee ballot in Wisconsin. Any Wisconsin voter who wishes to cast an absentee ballot may do so either in-person during the early voting period or by mail.


Absentee Voting By Mail

Before your clerk will send you an absentee ballot, you must register to vote. Find out if you’re registered at  Select “Register to vote,” and enter your name and date of birth. If you are not registered at your current address, see the information on voter registration options and deadlines here.


~ How do I request an absentee ballot?

En ligne. In just a few simple steps, you can officially demandez votre bulletin de vote par correspondance online at

Par courrier. If you are a registered Wisconsin voter, you can download the Application For Absentee Ballot. Then, fill out the form and mail it to your municipal clerk’s office. With very few exceptions (e.g., you are indefinitely confined, live permanently overseas), you must also include a copy of your acceptable photo ID with your absentee ballot request. Information on the Photo ID needed to vote in Wisconsin is at

By Email or Fax. You can also request an absentee ballot by sending an email or fax to your municipal clerk that includes:

  • Your full name;
  • Voting address;
  • Mailing address;
  • The election in which are voting;
  • A copy of your photo ID (if you have not provided it with a previous absentee ballot request).

Your clerk must receive your absentee ballot request no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday before Election Day. However, we recommend making this request as soon as possible so you have time to receive, complete, and return your ballot to be counted.


~ When do I need to return my completed absentee ballot?

You must deliver your completed absentee ballot to your municipal clerk’s office no later than 8 p.m. on Election Day. The U.S. Postal Service recommends absentee ballots be mailed one week before Election Day to arrive in time. However, we recommend putting your ballot in the mail no later than 10 days before Election Day to be sure it is received in time. You can also hand deliver your mailed ballot directly to your municipal clerk.

Your clerk and vous aurez des informations sur l'endroit où vous pouvez retourner votre bulletin de vote.
Don’t forget: The ballot envelope needs a witness signature and the complete address of the witness, filled out by the witness.


Early Voting (In-Person Absentee Voting)

~ When and where can I vote in person with an absentee ballot?

That depends on where you live, since each city, village and town in Wisconsin is responsible for setting the dates, hours and locations for in-person absentee voting within their municipality. To get the latest information on dates, hours and locations for in-person absentee voting where you live in Wisconsin, contact your municipal clerk.


~ What do I need to bring with me when voting early with an in-person absentee ballot?

You will need to bring an acceptable forms of photo ID for voting.

For more information about photo ID required to vote in Wisconsin – and how to get a free ID to vote – visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission official site: Soumettez-le au scrutin.


~ Is there anything else I need to do before I can vote early?

Check to see if you are registered to vote at your current address – go to, select “Register to vote,” and enter your name and date of birth.

If you’re not already registered to vote at your current residence, find out what you need and how to register to vote here. 


The right to vote is both a privilege et a responsibility. Le vote est un droit qu’aucun d’entre nous ne peut se permettre de perdre.

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Guide de vote des étudiants

Trois choses que les étudiants doivent faire pour voter dans le Wisconsin.


Connaissez vos droits

Parfois, nos situations de vote nécessitent une attention particulière. Notre guide de vote non partisan collaboratif de coalition 2024 vous aidera à comprendre comment vous pouvez voter en toute confiance.


Guide d'inscription des électeurs et d'identification avec photo

Ce dont vous avez besoin pour une pièce d'identité avec photo et pour vous inscrire pour voter dans le Wisconsin.


Guide du vote anticipé par correspondance

Voici ce que vous devez savoir pour voter par correspondance anticipée dans le Wisconsin.



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