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Common Cause Releases 2022 “Democracy Scorecard” Showing Growing Support in Congress for Democracy Reform

MADISON, WI — As constituents evaluate the performance of their members of Congress, Common Cause released its 2022 “Democracy Scorecard,” a tracking resource with the positions of all members of Congress on campaign finance reform, ethics and transparency, and voting rights legislation. The fourth biennial scorecard is produced to help constituents hold their leaders in the 117th Congress accountable for passing common-sense legislation that preserves and strengthens our democracy.

"Iowa Model" Legislation Must Get a Public Hearing and Vote

What can be done to counter the disgust and dismay that most Wisconsinites feel right now about what the gerrymandered Republican majority in the Wisconsin Legislature and now, the conservative activists on the Wisconsin Supreme Court have done to defy the will of the people and extend and cement into place their rigged voting maps for another ten years? The answer is clear and simple. We must redouble our effort and determination to change the current corrupt status quo.

Voting & Elections 12.1.2021

Common Cause Wisconsin comments today at the Wisconsin Elections Commission public meeting

Statement from Common Cause Wisconsin on the Legislative Audit Report 21-19: Elections Administration

U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2020 Census Demographic Data to Kick Off Wisconsin Redistricting 2021

When redistricting is fair, transparent, and includes everyone, our maps are more likely to be representative and secure free, fair, and responsive elections for the next decade. That is why we are advocating for a process that prioritizes opportunities for meaningful public input, public access to the redistricting data used by mapmakers in Wisconsin, and a mapmaking process conducted openly rather than behind closed doors.

CMD and Common Cause Wisconsin File Complaint Against ALEC and ALEC Legislators for Illegal Campaign Scheme

Complaint to Wisconsin Ethics Commission alleges that ALEC illegally gave sophisticated voter management campaign software linked to the RNC worth $3,000 to its state chairs, Sen. Steve Nass and Rep. Tyler Vorpagel, ALEC legislative members Sen. Mary Felzkowski and Rep. Mike Kuglitsch, and other ALEC members. Similar complaints are being filed with the IRS and in 14 other states.


Senator Johnson Must Investigate Potential Voter Suppression Tactics by USPS, DHS

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