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Vos & Fitzgerald Untruthful About Legality of Ending Partisan Gerrymandering

Send Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald a message that voters should pick their elected representatives, rather than the politicians picking which voters they get to represent.

Don’t overlook Wisconsin’s critical Supreme Court election

A pivotal seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court is up for grabs April 7, and the outcome could be a bellwether for the presidential race in Wisconsin later in the fall.

Voting & Elections 11.25.2019

CC/WI Urges UW Regents to Adopt Uniform Student Photo IDs Compliant with Voter ID Law for All Institutions

The State Governing Board of Common Cause in Wisconsin, the state's largest non-partisan political reform advocacy organization with 7,000 members and supporters, sent a letter to the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents urging adoption of uniform student photo IDs compliant with the state's voter ID law.

The Battle Against Partisan Gerrymandering in Wisconsin Progresses This Summer

State legislators are hearing from their constituents, including many CC/WI Members, calling for an end to partisan gerrymandering in Wisconsin. Keep applying pressure on your state legislators. It's working!


What College Students in Wisconsin Can Do NOW to be Ready to Vote in 2020

Important information for college students in Wisconsin: take steps now so you can make your voice heard at the ballot box in 2020.

“Iowa Model” Redistricting Reform Legislation Publicly Presented

The "Iowa Model" redistricting measure has been introduced, with bi-partisan support, in the Wisconsin Legislature and will be formally rolled out by the lead sponsors on Tuesday, July 16 at 10:30 AM in the Assembly Parlor of the State Capitol.

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