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Voting & Elections 02.19.2017

John Humphries: Schooled by Team Walker, Betsy DeVos and ALEC

"The race to head the Department of Public Instruction is supposed to be non-partisan race, but it is only a matter of time before we see highly partisan, deep pocketed, out-of-state special interest players weigh in."

WISCONSIN: Taxpayers to be Fleeced by GOP Legislative Leaders for Defense of Rigged Voter Maps

Wisconsin GOP legislative leaders secretly sign contracts with two law firms to use taxpayer money to pay for defense of unconstitutional rigged voter maps.

Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans are robbing taxpayers to fund partisan schemes

Editorial: Wisconsin Republicans are robbing taxpayers to fund partisan schemes

Ethics 12.13.2016

Ethics Commissioner Robert Kinney's Resignation Underscores Failings of the Newly-Partisan State Agency

Retired judge Robert E. Kinney, a member of the six-member Wisconsin Ethics Commission, resigned this morning citing a lack of commitment on the part of some of the Commissioners to upholding open and ethical state government, excessive secrecy, and a lack of transparency in the proceedings of the commission.

Voting & Elections 11.22.2016

Federal Court rules that Wisconsin's 2011 Gerrymandering of State Legislative Districts is Unconstitutional

On Monday, a federal 3-judge court panel issued an unprecedented decision that is a huge victory for all of those voters of Wisconsin who want and deserve a real choice in their elections and a system of redrawing state legislative districts after each Census in a non-partisan, transparent and reputable process.

Voting & Elections 10.26.2014

Swing State Report Faults Wisconsin Voter ID Law But Praises Other Voting Measures

Wisconsin should drop its fight to preserve an unneeded, vote-suppressing, voter identification requirement and move to join the five states that register eligible citizens automatically when they do business at motor vehicle and other state offices, Common Cause says in a report released today.

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