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CMD và Common Cause Wisconsin nộp đơn khiếu nại chống lại ALEC và các nhà lập pháp ALEC về chương trình vận động tranh cử bất hợp pháp

Khiếu nại gửi đến Ủy ban Đạo đức Wisconsin cáo buộc ALEC đã cung cấp trái phép phần mềm quản lý chiến dịch bầu cử tinh vi có liên quan đến RNC trị giá $3.000 cho các chủ tịch tiểu bang của mình, Thượng nghị sĩ Steve Nass và Đại biểu Tyler Vorpagel, các thành viên lập pháp ALEC là Thượng nghị sĩ Mary Felzkowski và Đại biểu Mike Kuglitsch, cùng các thành viên ALEC khác. Các khiếu nại tương tự đang được nộp lên IRS và 14 tiểu bang khác.

Khiếu nại gửi đến Ủy ban Đạo đức Wisconsin cáo buộc ALEC đã cung cấp trái phép phần mềm quản lý chiến dịch bầu cử tinh vi có liên quan đến RNC trị giá $3.000 cho các chủ tịch tiểu bang của mình, Thượng nghị sĩ Steve Nass và Đại biểu Tyler Vorpagel, các thành viên lập pháp ALEC là Thượng nghị sĩ Mary Felzkowski và Đại biểu Mike Kuglitsch, cùng các thành viên ALEC khác. Các khiếu nại tương tự đang được nộp lên IRS và 14 tiểu bang khác.

The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and Common Cause Wisconsin filed a campaign finance complaint with the Wisconsin Ethics Commission today against the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Sen. Steve Nass, Rep. Tyler Vorpagel, Sen. Mary Felzkowski, and Rep. Mike Kuglitsch for illegally giving and receiving valuable campaign software linked to the Republican National Committee (RNC).

The full complaint and supporting exhibits can be viewed đây.

By making the sophisticated partisan voter management and campaign software to its 2,000-plus members across the country, ALEC illegally provided in-kind campaign contributions worth more than $6 million in the 2020 election cycle, in violation of its 501(c)(3) charitable tax-status, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) charged in a separate submission to the IRS Whistleblower Office on July 20.

The software, dubbed “ALEC CARE” and valued by ALEC at $3,000 per legislator, is owned and operated by VoterGravity, a Republican voter data company conceived and run by Ned Ryun. Ryun is the founder and president of a right-wing candidate training operation, American Majority, and its voter mobilization affiliate, American Majority Action, which are closely allied with the Tea Party. American Majority Action’s latest available IRS filing shows that it owns 84 percent of Voter Gravity, and both list a post office box in Purcellville, Virginia as their address.

“As a benefit of their membership in ALEC, ALEC gave, and Sen Nass, Sen. Felzkowski, Rep. Vorpagel, and Rep. Kuglitsch received, free sophisticated voter management and campaign software for the 2020 election cycle worth thousands of dollars, despite ALEC’s status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation barred from engaging in electoral activity under federal law and in violation of Wis. Stat. §§11.0103 and 11.1112,” the complaint states.

The complaint asks the Commission to investigate the scheme and use its subpoena powers to determine the full list of ALEC state legislators receiving the voter software and whether the software was used by legislative staff on state time or in state offices.

CMD and Common Cause are also filing campaign finance complaints with the appropriate oversight agencies in 14 other states.

“It is crystal clear from CMD’s investigation and internal ALEC sources that the CARE program provided by ALEC is just a repackaging of VoterGravity’s highly partisan campaign software, designed to help Republicans win and retain elected office,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director. “ALEC CARE is a brazen scheme to help ALEC’s overwhelmingly Republican members win reelection.”

“The people of Wisconsin deserve to know who is trying to influence our elections,” said Jay Heck, Giám đốc điều hành của Common Cause Wisconsin. “Without tougher transparency and disclosure laws that allow voters to follow the money, illegal schemes like ALEC’s will continue unabated. We hope this complaint moves the state legislature to take a renewed focus on strengthening Wisconsin’s transparency and disclosure laws so our government is accountable to the people, not special interests.”

“ALEC has abused its tax-exempt status for a decade or more,” said Eric Havian, a prominent whistleblower attorney at Constantine Cannon who filed the IRS claim on CMD’s behalf. “I can only hope that we have not become too accustomed to fraud in plain sight, and that the IRS will finally take action to stop taxpayers from subsidizing ALEC’s partisan electioneering and lobbying.”

Marcus Owens, former Director of the Exempt Organizations Division of the Internal Revenue Service, told CMD, “The fact that ALEC’s constituent management program typically costs ‘thousands of dollars,’ but it is being provided free of charge to selected legislators, would constitute a contribution to the legislator.”

“The fact that there may well be sub rosa links between databases created by the management program and organizations engaged in partisan political activity suggests another potential electioneering event,” Owens said.

ALEC’s disclaimers and transparent repackaging of a powerful campaign tool as “constituent communications” do nothing to reduce its campaign value. The RNC-integrated software comes fully loaded with all campaign data and functions, and data entered by ALEC members get added to the RNC’s database, thereby directly benefiting the Republican Party. ALEC’s promotional pitch that, “With the opportunities afforded by CARE, our members can be ahead of their colleagues,” is just coded language for what VoterGravity says to its users at its demo page: “Ready to win?”

ALEC has abused its non-profit status for many years. Common Cause filed a separate whistleblower submission to the IRS in collaboration with CMD in 2012—and supplemented in 2013, 2015, and 2016—detailing ALEC’s extensive underreporting of lobbying activity and activities to promote the private interests of its corporate sponsors, including ExxonMobil, in violation of its 501(c)(3) status.

To view the complaint, nhấp vào đây.


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