

Featured Press
Have the Candidates Running for the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly in Your Area Pledged to End Partisan Gerrymandering and Support Nonpartisan Redistricting Reform?

Press Release

Have the Candidates Running for the Wisconsin State Senate and Assembly in Your Area Pledged to End Partisan Gerrymandering and Support Nonpartisan Redistricting Reform?

Let’s find out which candidates of all political parties for the Wisconsin Legislature are willing to stand up and pledge support for it and for the voters of our state.

Media Contacts

Jay Heck

Executive Director, Common Cause Wisconsin

Kenny Colston

Regional Communications Strategist (Midwest)


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Washington Post: To unlock the youth vote in 2020, Democrats wage legal fights against GOP-backed voting restrictions

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Washington Post: To unlock the youth vote in 2020, Democrats wage legal fights against GOP-backed voting restrictions

Activists lost a battle in 2015 over Wisconsin’s voter ID law, for instance, but Common Cause Wisconsin filed a lawsuit in April arguing that the same law discriminates against college students. The measure requires student IDs to include a signature, an issuance date and an expiration date no more than two years after the issuance date — features that are not always included on cards issued by universities.

“Iowa Model” Anti Gerrymandering Legislation Not Affected by Terrible Supreme Court Decision

Press Release

“Iowa Model” Anti Gerrymandering Legislation Not Affected by Terrible Supreme Court Decision

Last Thursday's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to not inject itself, or other federal courts into the question of whether or not hyper-partisan redistricting could deny voters equal protection under the law was deeply disturbing, disappointing and disgusting – but not surprising.

Common Cause Wisconsin, Fair Elections Center & Others Challenge Wisconsin’s Requirements for Student IDs Used as Voter ID

Press Release

Common Cause Wisconsin, Fair Elections Center & Others Challenge Wisconsin’s Requirements for Student IDs Used as Voter ID

WISCONSIN – Today, Fair Elections Center and Pines Bach LLP filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin, on behalf of Common Cause in Wisconsin and individual plaintiff Ben Quintero, challenging Wisconsin’s unnecessary requirements for student IDs to qualify as voter ID.

Janesville Gazette: Geography as destiny: As Paul Ryan exits, will it be more of the same?

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Janesville Gazette: Geography as destiny: As Paul Ryan exits, will it be more of the same?

Some voters in the 1st Congressional District weren’t born the last time a Democrat won the seat.

They might have to wait a while longer.

Republican Rep. Paul Ryan is retiring after 20 years in office.

He leaves a legacy of strong Republican support and a district whose boundaries have shifted to exclude Democrats and include more Republicans.

U.S. Supreme Court Delays Decision for Now on Wisconsin Gerrymander Court Case

Press Release

U.S. Supreme Court Delays Decision for Now on Wisconsin Gerrymander Court Case

"Today, the U.S. Supreme Court today did not to address the unconstitutionality of one of the most partisan gerrymanders of state legislative districts (2011) in American history, but we remain hopeful that standing can be addressed and we can win justice in the courts" said Jay Heck, the long-time executive director of Common Cause in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Still Waiting for U.S. Supreme Court Decision That May End Hyper-Partisan Gerrymandering

Press Release

Wisconsin Still Waiting for U.S. Supreme Court Decision That May End Hyper-Partisan Gerrymandering

This past Monday morning, many of us huddled over the U.S. Supreme Court website, eagerly expecting the nation's highest court to render its long-anticipated decision in the case in which a federal court declared that Wisconsin's hyper-partisan, secretive, expensive (to Wisconsin taxpayers) gerrymandered redistricting process in 2011 by the Republicans, was unconstitutional.

News Clip

Jay Heck of Common Cause in Wisconsin explains the ramifications of a Wisconsin gerrymandering case that is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Wisconsin lawmakers got $164,000 in travel and perks last year from outside groups”

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Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: “Wisconsin lawmakers got $164,000 in travel and perks last year from outside groups”

"Special interests are paying for it and everybody thinks that has an influence on what legislators are thinking and doing — because you're getting a free trip," said Jay Heck, director of the government watchdog group Common Cause in Wisconsin. "Of course you're going to be affected when you get a free trip ... That's just human nature."



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