David Vance

National Media Strategist


Meet David…

David Vance is the National Media Strategist for Common Cause. He works with staff at the national and state level to generate media to amplify the voice and strategically advance the democracy reform agenda of the national organization and its 35 state offices.

Prior to joining Common Cause in 2016, David spent a decade as the director of communications and research at the Campaign Legal Center, working on campaign finance, voting rights and government ethics issues. During his time there, the media profile of the organization grew exponentially and in 2014 it received a MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions.

David has an extensive background in public relations and journalism. He has served as public affairs director for an international trade association and worked for two public relations firms in Washington, DC where he handled public affairs, public relations and crisis issues both nationally and internationally for a broad range of corporate, association and non-profit clients.

Before entering the public relations field, David worked for several news bureaus in Washington, DC, WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont as well as The Washington Post.

David is a native of Washington, DC and holds an M.S.J. from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from George Mason University.

The Latest From David Vance

Common Cause, Voters Sue Kris Kobach for Unlawfully Targeting Individual American Citizens Under Cloak of “Advisory Commission”

Press Release

Common Cause, Voters Sue Kris Kobach for Unlawfully Targeting Individual American Citizens Under Cloak of “Advisory Commission”

Common Cause and registered voters from Florida, Texas, and New York, filed a complaint against Kris Kobach, Vice-Chair of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, to halt his unprecedented and unlawful investigation into individual American voters.

Russian Facebook Political Ad Buys During 2016 Election Draw DOJ & FEC Complaints

Press Release

Russian Facebook Political Ad Buys During 2016 Election Draw DOJ & FEC Complaints

Today Common Cause filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that one or more unknown foreign nationals made expenditures, independent expenditures or disbursements in connection with the 2016 presidential election in violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Trump ‘Election Integrity’ Commission “Flawed From the Start” Common Cause Report Finds

Press Release

Trump ‘Election Integrity’ Commission “Flawed From the Start” Common Cause Report Finds

President Trump’s ‘Election Integrity’ Commission is a flawed vehicle designed to provide cover for outrageous and unsubstantiated claims made by the President as an excuse for why he lost the popular election a new report from Common Cause, “Flawed from the Start,” documents. When compared to other recent high-profile commissions convened to improve our voting and elections process, the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity chaired by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is...

$150,000 in Russian Facebook Political Ads Necessitate Immediate FEC Response

Press Release

$150,000 in Russian Facebook Political Ads Necessitate Immediate FEC Response

Today’s revelations that fake accounts in Russia bought approximately $150,000 in political ads on Facebook demands a complete and immediate response from the Federal Election Commission. The Commission’s intransigence on the issue of curbing the threat of foreign influence in our elections must stop now as this is likely only the tip of the iceberg.

Domestic Terrorist Attack Must Have Full Attention of DOJ & FBI

Press Release

Domestic Terrorist Attack Must Have Full Attention of DOJ & FBI

The Justice Department and FBI must investigate yesterday’s riots in Charlottesville for what they are – an act of domestic terrorism. These agencies must throw their full weight behind their investigations of this act of white supremacists terrorism and not treat it as an isolated incident. If they treat yesterday as an isolated incident, more terrorist acts will surely follow.

Mueller Must Be Protected

Press Release

Mueller Must Be Protected

The Trump-Russia investigation and Special Counsel Mueller must be protected. Activists across the country are banding together in a campaign entitled Trump Is Not Above the Law in support of Mueller and to push back —via media work, actions in states, questions at town halls this August and more -- against any effort to remove him or interfere with the special counsel investigation. This network of activists is present in over 180 locations around the nation, has more than 200 initial point persons and is growing daily.

Trump Administration Must Give Mueller and Grand Jury a Wide Berth & Full Cooperation

Press Release

Trump Administration Must Give Mueller and Grand Jury a Wide Berth & Full Cooperation

The impaneling of a grand jury to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election hammers home the imperative that the Trump Administration must not interfere with Robert Mueller’s investigation or that of the grand jury. Regardless of whether the President wants to continue to call Russian election interference “fake news,” he and his Administration must take this criminal investigation seriously and offer investigators their full cooperation.

Trump, Jr., Kushner, Manafort Violated Foreign Solicitation Ban, Watchdogs Allege in Complaints

Press Release

Trump, Jr., Kushner, Manafort Violated Foreign Solicitation Ban, Watchdogs Allege in Complaints

Today Common Cause, the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) supplementing a complaint filed by Common Cause on Monday. The expanded complaint alleges that Jared Kushner and Paul Manafort illegally solicited a contribution from a foreign national, and that Kushner, Manafort and Rob Goldstone illegally assisted Donald Trump Jr. in soliciting an illegal political contribution from a foreign national on behalf of the Trump 2016 presidential...



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