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Marching Toward a Cliff: Rubio Joins GOP Candidates Backing Constitutional Convention

Campaigning over the weekend in Iowa for the Republican presidential nomination, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio announced his support for a dangerous idea: a national convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution to propose constitutional amendments on term limits and a balanced federal budget.

Money & Influence 12.10.2015

McConnell Ploy Would "Blow a Hole" in Campaign Finance Laws

"Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has cynically reneged on his pledge to restore “regular order” to the Senate.

On the Brink of a Constitutional Crisis

All but unnoticed by the public and press, balanced budget activists and an assortment of big money interests are close to triggering a political and governmental crisis in the form of a new constitutional convention, Common Cause argues in a report released today. “The Dangerous Path. Big Money’s Plan to Shred the Constitution,” examines a decades-old campaign on behalf of a convention under Article V of the Constitution. The unprecedented assembly could re-write the 238-year old Constitution, imperiling civil rights and the system of checks and balances at the heart of the nation’s charter, the report warns.

Money & Influence 11.18.2015

BREAKING: The Koch Brothers’ Secretive CIA style Intelligence Operations Revealed

In a story in Politico today, money in politics journalist Ken Vogel revealed the Koch brothers’ secretive surveillance and intelligence team that is gathering information on their opponents through technology and on the ground sources.

Money & Influence 11.10.2015

When It Comes To Money in Politics, 2016 Presidential Candidates Talk About the Problem More Than Solutions

The 2016 Presidential candidates are talking more and more about the problem of money in politics, but leaving out what every voter needs to know: how they would fix it.

Money & Influence 10.1.2015

Let the Voters Decide

Veteran election lawyer Bob Bauer had some simple but powerful advice Wednesday for about 50 young attorneys who gathered for a meeting of the D.C. Lawyer Chapter of the American Constitution Society.

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