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Money & Influence 06.2.2015

New Polls Shows Overwhelming Majority of Americans Support Money in Politics Solutions

A poll released by The New York Times and CBS News today shows that more than 80% of Americans support fundamental change or a complete overhaul of the way political campaigns are funded. The survey found majorities of both Republicans and Democrats favor strong campaign finance reforms, including:

Money & Influence 05.20.2015

Got $1 million? Here is what it can get you.

While they all talk about attracting grassroots and small-donor support, the 2016 candidates are depending on big money from wealthy donors to propel them to the White House.

Money & Influence 05.1.2015

The Supreme Court Tips Its Hand

In a win for judicial independence, the Supreme Court this week upheld the ability of states to ban judges and judicial candidates from directly soliciting campaign contributions in their judicial elections.

Money & Influence 05.1.2015

It's time to amend the Constitution

The Supreme Court seems determined to dismantle our country’s campaign finance rules, with decisions like Citizens United v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC leaving lawmakers constitutionally prohibited from placing common sense limits on the amount of money raised and spent on elections.The results of their decisions have been disastrous.

Money & Influence 04.29.2015

'A Much-Needed Blow for Judicial Independence'

The Supreme Court has delivered a sensible and much-needed blow on behalf of judicial independence with its decision in Williams-Yulee v. the Florida Bar, Common Cause said today.

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