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Money & Influence 07.15.2014

Common Cause Hails Introduction of Democracy for All Amendment

Common Cause today urged quick approval in the House of Representatives for the Democracy for All Amendment, .

Money & Influence 07.10.2014

Senate Judiciary Committee Sends Constitutional Amendment to Full Senate

The Senate Judiciary Committee’s approval of a proposed constitutional amendment that restores the ability to put sensible limits on political spending is an important step toward protecting and enhancing every American’s right to be heard in our political process, Common Cause said today.

Money & Influence 06.20.2014

Walker Documents Strengthen Case for Campaign Finance Reform

New evidence of coordination between Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and groups supporting him strengthens case for campaign finance reform.

Money & Influence 06.19.2014

Newly Released Documents Put Scott Walker in the Hot Seat

Documents unsealed Thursday by a federal appeals court in Chicago suggest that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign in the 2012 recall election worked hand-in-glove – perhaps illegally – with special interest groups.

Money & Influence 06.18.2014

Common Cause Hails Senate Subcommittee Vote for Constitutional Amendment Permitting Common Sense Limits on Political Spending

Today’s Senate subcommittee endorsement of a constitutional amendment permitting common-sense limits on campaign spending “is an important step toward putting voters back at the center of our elections,” said Common Cause President Miles Rapoport.

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