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Money & Influence 09.7.2017

Russian Facebook Political Ad Buys During 2016 Election Draw DOJ & FEC Complaints

Today Common Cause filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleging that one or more unknown foreign nationals made expenditures, independent expenditures or disbursements in connection with the 2016 presidential election in violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act.

Money & Influence 09.6.2017

$150,000 in Russian Facebook Political Ads Necessitate Immediate FEC Response

Today’s revelations that fake accounts in Russia bought approximately $150,000 in political ads on Facebook demands a complete and immediate response from the Federal Election Commission. The Commission’s intransigence on the issue of curbing the threat of foreign influence in our elections must stop now as this is likely only the tip of the iceberg.

Money & Influence 08.22.2017

Courts Weighing Challenges to Sensible Control of Political Money

A pair of lawsuits making their way through the courts in Alaska and New York State have important implications for efforts to rein in the power of big money in American politics.

Waist Deep (At Least) and Still Sinking

The swamp that candidate Donald Trump promised to drain is getting deeper six months into President Trump’s administration.

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