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Money & Influence 02.2.2016

Support Campaign Finance Disclosures by Fossil Fuel Beneficiaries

During the 2014 election cycle, the fossil fuel industry spent hundreds of millions of dollars to influence the election results, much of it well hidden from voters. According to the Atlas Project, the fossil fuel industry spent more than $163 million on television ads across the country, contributed $64 million more directly to candidates and parties, and likely contributed hundreds of millions more on electioneering activities by outside groups. More than a third of electioneering spending by outside groups was paid for by unknown sources.

Media & Democracy 01.28.2016

FCC Takes Welcome Step on Political Ads But Stronger Action Needed

Common Cause Praises FCC Move to Enhance Disclosure of Political Ad Funding

Media & Democracy 01.20.2016

Common Cause Backs Lawmakers' Call for Full Disclosure of Political Ad Funders

Common Cause statement supporting House members request that the FCC order disclosure of "true identity" of political ad funders

Money & Influence 01.19.2016

Solutions to the Influence of Big Money in Politics

President Obama's valedictory State of the Union last week brimmed with optimism. Refraining from a traditional laundry list of policy proposals, he stayed rooted in big themes about America, our future and the challenges ahead. He spoke eloquently about how our democracy is built upon "voices of unarmed truth and unconditional love."

Money & Influence 12.22.2015

Corporate Political Spending Disclosure Rule Can Proceed, Despite Omnibus Rider

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) can work on a rule requiring corporate disclosure of political spending despite a policy rider contained in the omnibus budget approved last week, the Corporate Reform Coalition and congressional leaders said today.

Money & Influence 11.24.2015

Pfizer Deal Strengthens Case for Executive Order Requiring Transparency in Political Spending

The tax inversion provisions Allergan and Pfizer are about to exploit are well-known and could easily be eliminated. They exist because Pfizer and other large corporations, individually and through groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have used campaign contributions and an army of lobbyists to persuade a long line of Congresses and Presidents to riddle the federal tax code with loopholes.

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