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Money & Influence 06.9.2016

Democrats Make Good Start With Campaign Reform Plan

A new campaign finance reform program has promise but lacks one important ingredient.

Floridians Must Have Full Accounting of Trump-Bondi Connection

Florida's attorney general owes voters a full accounting of her handling of fraud allegations against Trump University and her acceptance of campaign contributions from a Trump-affiliated charity.

Media & Democracy 05.31.2016

Untold Stories Matter, Too

Pretend you’re a journalist (if you really are one, ignore that but read on anyhow) and someone calls and says “I’ve got a good and timely story that I think your readers/listeners would like to know about. There is a government agency that has both the authority and the responsibility to help clean up our broken big-money election campaigns—and it is refusing to do its job.” Let me explain.

Trump Should Follow Long, Bipartisan Precedent, Release Tax Returns

Common Cause called on presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to release copies of his income tax returns

Common Cause Urges Presidential Candidates to Adopt Delegate Gift Ban

Letters call on candidates to pledge not to make gifts to convention delegates

Money & Influence 02.21.2016

Big Money Is Still Driving the Campaign

Common Cause statement on the South Carolina Republican primary and the withdrawal of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush

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