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Money & Influence 07.29.2015

Common Cause Urges "Bright Line" Rules for Political Nonprofits

Political organizations posing as “social welfare” nonprofits and pumping hundreds of millions of dollars from hidden donors into political campaigns are depriving voters of information they need to make decisions on Election Day, a Common Cause attorney told senators today.

Money & Influence 07.1.2015

VIDEO: Disclosing Conflict Minerals

Last week, the D.C. Circuit Court overturned a SEC rule requiring companies to disclose whether they use conflict minerals, arguing that it infringed on corporations' First Amendment rights. I went on the Big Picture with Thom Hartmann to discuss what this means in the larger fight for a transparent and open government.

Money & Influence 06.2.2015

New Polls Shows Overwhelming Majority of Americans Support Money in Politics Solutions

A poll released by The New York Times and CBS News today shows that more than 80% of Americans support fundamental change or a complete overhaul of the way political campaigns are funded. The survey found majorities of both Republicans and Democrats favor strong campaign finance reforms, including:

Money & Influence 05.20.2015

Disclosure Voted Down Along Party Lines

In a party line vote, Republicans on the House Communications and Technology subcommittee defeated legislation that would have forced the secret sponsors of broadcast political ads into the open.

Common Cause Urges Independent Audit of Donations to Clinton Foundation

Common Cause Urges Independent Audit of Donations to Clinton Foundation

Money & Influence 04.20.2015

Bush, Walker, Flouting Campaign Finance Laws

Common Cause called on prospective presidential candidates today to abide by the nation’s campaign finance laws and follow rules governing fundraising while “testing the waters” for a 2016 campaign.

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