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WSJ’s Seib Partially Diagnoses What Ails Democracy

In his recent Wall Street Journal column, Gerry Seib gives only a partial diagnosis for what ails our democracy and points toward a partial remedy. He's right about one thing though, the dis-ease many Americans feel is dangerous to the future of self-governance, so we best get this right.

Voting & Elections 07.6.2018

‘I’ve been preparing my whole life’

As a bipartisan collection of senators reaffirms the continuing threat of Russian interference in our elections, the president insists the man behind those attacks is "fine."

Money & Influence 07.5.2018

What Part of “Liberty and Justice for ALL” Don’t People Understand?

Slate's Jamelle Bouie lays it out plain as day, we live under minority rule engineered by changing the rules of our elections through vote suppression and gerrymandering targeting certain populations. It's long past time we talk about it.

Voting & Elections 06.25.2018

Associated Press: Voter Registration Error Affects Far More Than First Thought

Damon Effingham, acting director of the government watchdog group Common Cause, described the incident as "a catastrophic failure" of access to voting. "For decades, the MVA has been one of the main avenues for Americans to register to vote," Effingham said in a statement. "Tonight's news represents a catastrophic failure by the MVA in their duty to ensure every eligible Marylander has access to their right to vote." Effingham pointed out that the provisional ballots won't be counted until the second Wednesday after Tuesday's primary.

Voting & Elections 06.25.2018

Washington Post: As many as 80,000 voters will have to file provisional ballots, state says

Damon Effingham, acting director of the Maryland chapter of Common Cause, said it was "preposterous" that it took MVA officials four days to figure out the extent of the problem and that there is no system to ensure that its system is working properly. "Did people have an issue during early voting?" Effingham said. "If one person had a difficult time voting, that's one too many." Effingham said the issue illustrates the need for Election Day registration. The General Assembly this year passed a bill that will allow voters to decide whether to amend the state constitution to allow it. The question will be on the ballot in November.

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