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Voting & Elections 08.31.2017

Indiana's Largest County Clamps Down on Early Voting

While early voting expands in mostly white, Republican suburbs, voting gets more difficult in Democrat-dominated, largely black Indianapolis.

Voting & Elections 08.30.2017

An Ounce of Prevention - Missed

Fearful they would be accused of attempting to sway the presidential election, Obama administration officials last year shut down plans to share a list of cybersecurity precautions with state election officials responsible for protecting voting machines and databases.

Voting & Elections 08.29.2017

Florida Congressman Looks to Shut Down Mueller Probe

U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-FL, wants Congress to cut off funding for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s possible involvement in Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Voting & Elections 08.28.2017

Automatic Registration Comes to Illinois

There’s good news today from Illinois, where Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed a bill to provide automatic voter registration (AVR) to qualified residents when they do business with state agencies.

Voting & Elections 08.28.2017

Illinois Becomes 10th State to Enact Automatic Voter Registration

Today, Illinois became the tenth state, along with the District of Columbia, to successfully enact automatic voter registration (AVR). Governor Bruce Rauner signed into a law a bill that creates more accessible and secure elections by automatically registering voters unless they opt out of the program.

Voting & Elections 08.25.2017

Suit Revives Concerns About Georgia Election Systems

A lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board is reviving concerns about vulnerabilities in the state’s voting systems and could lead to a third round of voting in the state’s hotly-contested 6th Congressional District.

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