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Election Integrity

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Voting & Elections 01.10.2015

Common Cause Commends Illinois on Adoption of Election Day Registration

Common Cause hailed Illinois lawmakers and Gov. Pat Quinn today as the state’s chief executive signed historic legislation permitting residents to register and vote on Election Day.

Voting & Elections 12.17.2014

It's back, baby! - The Election Assistance Commission

Formed in 2000 by the Help America Vote Act, the Election Assistance Commission was put in place to avoid another Florida-style debacle – the kind where the words “hanging chads” reverberated in Americans’ minds well past the presidential election.

Senate Action Puts Election Assistance Commission Back in Business

Prodded by Common Cause and other election reform advocates, senators provided welcome assistance late Tuesday to dozens of states struggling to run their elections with outmoded, prone-to-breakdown voting machines.

Voting & Elections 12.5.2014

A Big Win In the Midwest

The Illinois legislature passed Election Day Registration, expanded early voting and other electoral reforms

Voting & Elections 12.5.2014

Illinois Lawmakers Back Election Day Registration, Expanded Early Voting

Illinois has adopted Election Day registration and expanded early voting, plus other electoral reforms

Voting & Elections 11.4.2014

Common Cause Urges Georgia Voters Not To Be Deterred By Election Day Problems

Georgians are getting a painful lesson in what happens when state leaders fall down on the job of running a free and fair election. Common Cause said today.

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