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Money & Influence 09.7.2016

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Stances for the 114th Congress

With Election Day now just two months away, Common Cause released its 2016 Democracy Scorecard that charts the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy.

Voting & Elections 08.29.2016

Gerrymander Gazette: Breaking News in Illinois and Maryland

On the redistricting litigation front, we’ve got some good news and some bad news. We'll start with the bad news.

Voting & Elections 08.18.2016

Common Cause PA Makes the Case for Fair and Transparent Redistricting to Legislative Committee

Common Cause Pennsylvania Senior Advisor and Fair Districts PA Co-Chair Barry Kauffman urged committee members to support HB-1835, a bill that would create an independent citizen redistricting commission to draw districts using nonpartisan standards.

Voting & Elections 08.5.2016

Common Cause files landmark lawsuit against partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina

Common Cause launched a potentially landmark lawsuit in federal court today directly challenging the foundation of partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina.

Voting & Elections 08.5.2016

Common Cause Files Suit Challenging Partisan Gerrymander in NC

Common Cause has filed suit in the Middle District of North Carolina, challenging the state legislature's drawing of congressional districts

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