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Voting & Elections 02.14.2017

Book Review: Ratf**ked, The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America’s Democracy, By David Daley

Ratf**ked reveals a broken American election system. It is one that is far from the ideal of a well-functioning democracy in which leaders promote policies they assert will broadly and wisely benefit our entire citizenry with the goal of persuading as many citizens as possible to vote for them.


Equal Justice for All Americans Endangered by Confirmation of Sessions as Attorney General

Common Cause condemns Senate confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General.

Voting & Elections 01.27.2017

Wisconsin Court Orders Lawmakers to Redraw Gerrymandered Districts

A federal court in Wisconsin ruled today that state lawmakers must submit a new map of assembly districts by Nov. 1.

Voters Lifting Democracy Reform Issues

A national movement for democracy reform is growing, even if largely missed in the media

Voting & Elections 10.26.2016

Report: Citizen-Led Redistricting Increases Voter Choices while Gerrymandering Leaves 33 Million with Only One Candidate on the Ballot

Voters have more major party choices in congressional and state legislative races this year where citizen redistricting commissions drew districts following the 2010 census compared to states where legislators drew boundaries, according to a new report Common Cause released today.

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