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Voting & Elections 01.12.2015

Santa Fe Joins Independent Redistricting Movement

National momentum for fair and transparent redistricting continued as Santa Fe, New Mexico launched implementation of an Independent Citizens’ Redistricting Commission.

Voting & Elections 12.22.2014

Commission Proposals Would Shift Power to Voters, Away from Partisan Operators

The redistricting recommendations submitted today by Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s Integrity Commission would go a long way toward shifting political power to voters and away from partisan operatives. The General Assembly should approve them promptly.

Voting & Elections 12.16.2014

Bipartisan Former Mayors Urge New North Carolina General Assembly to Pass Fair Redistricting Bill

Richard Vinroot, a Republican former mayor of Charlotte, and Charles Meeker, a Democratic former mayor of Raleigh, joined forces in a Charlotte Observer op-ed to call on the North Carolina General Assembly to end partisan gerrymandering.

Voting & Elections 12.12.2014

Ohio Senate Passed Redistricting Reform Measure

At about 4:00 am on December 12, the Ohio Senate passed Amend. Sub. SJR 12 (28 yeas-1 no).

Voting & Elections 12.12.2014

Ohio Senate Passed Redistricting Reform Measure

At about 4:00 am on December 12, the Ohio Senate passed Amend. Sub. SJR 12 (28 yeas-1 no).

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