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Gorsuch Nomination Moves Toward Historic Confrontation

Supreme Court appointments reverberate across the decades. But Judge Neil Gorsuch, President Trump's choice for the Supreme Court, is likely to have a major impact even before he takes the bench.

Common Cause Commends Udall-Merkley Filibuster Reform Plan

Common Cause called on the U.S. Senate’s new majority today to inaugurate a new, more productive era by adopting the rules reform package offered by Sens. Tom Udall and Jeff Merkley.

Common Cause on 60 Minutes

Last night, 60 Minutes profiled retiring Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK). A physician by training, Sen. Coburn is known by many as “Dr. No” for his relentless record of blocking debate on proposed bills that he opposes.

Senate Action Puts Election Assistance Commission Back in Business

Prodded by Common Cause and other election reform advocates, senators provided welcome assistance late Tuesday to dozens of states struggling to run their elections with outmoded, prone-to-breakdown voting machines.

Senators Should Vote on Pending Nominations Before Adjourning

With 139 presidential nominations awaiting floor action as of midday Monday, the U.S. Senate should remain in session as long as it takes – including through the holiday season – to fill judicial and executive vacancies, Common Cause said today.

Senators Should Vote on Pending Nominations Before Adjourning

With 139 presidential nominations awaiting floor action as of midday Monday, the U.S. Senate should remain in session as long as it takes – including through the holiday season – to fill judicial and executive vacancies, Common Cause said today.

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