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Voting & Elections 11.2.2017

Depressed Minority Turnout Key to Clinton's Demise

Experts agree lower-than-expected voter turnout, particularly among minority voters, cost Hillary Clinton the presidency.

Voting & Elections 10.30.2017

First Shoe Drops in Russia Investigation

With former aides under indictment in the Russia investigation, President Trump tries to change the subject

Voting & Elections 10.23.2017

The Incredible Vanishing Commission

A report today in The Guardian suggests that President Trump's voter fraud commission has either broken down or gone underground.

Voting & Elections 10.3.2017

We Can't Go Back to the Bad Old Days

President Trump's 'voter fraud' commission is making deeply troubling requests for personal information about voters.

Voting & Elections 09.26.2017

Non-Voters Don't Lose Their Right to Vote

Listen to Monday's press briefing featuring Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn

Voting & Elections 09.20.2017

Gerrymandering, Voter ID Laws Put Fair Representation At Risk

In a panel discussion on Tuesday a Virginia state legislator and representatives of the Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) shared insights on challenges to democracy.

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