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Voting & Elections 01.8.2018

Ohio Case Invites High Court to Stand Up for Voting Rights

In Husted v. A Philip Randolph Institute, the Supreme Court has a chance to stop states from purging non-voters from the voter rolls.

Voting & Elections 01.5.2018

Common Cause Files Brief in Challenge to Outrageous Partisan Political Gerrymander of Pennsylvania Congressional Districts

Today, Common Cause filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in support of a challenge to the state’s extreme partisan political gerrymander. Despite a roughly equal split in votes between the parties in each election since the 2011 redistricting, Republicans have consistently won 13 of the state’s 18 congressional seats. If successful, the case could result in the Court ordering the redrawing of the districts before the 2018 election.

Voting & Elections 01.5.2018

Organized, Engaged People Score Big Victory for Voting Rights

Donald Trump’s Pence-Kobach "Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity" is no more. And that’s thanks in large part to hundreds of thousands of Americans who spoke out and stood up for the right to vote.

Voting & Elections 01.4.2018

Trump’s Failed Voter Fraud Commission: 'Flawed From the Start, Dissolved In Disgrace

The Pence-Kobach Commission was "flawed from the start" and at the finish as well.

Voting & Elections 12.12.2017

Election Protection Hotline Open To Assist Alabamians

If you live in Alabama or have friends and/or relatives there, please take a minute to copy this phone number and share it today with any Alabamian who is registered to vote: 866OURVOTE

Voting & Elections 11.29.2017

Republicans May Get Green Light To Resume "Ballot Security" Efforts

A federal judge apparently is on the verge of lifting a decades-old order that blocked the Republican National Committee from a variety of “poll watching” activities that worked to intimidate legally-qualified voters.

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